#15 Patrick's phone

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The scarcely lit nightclub smells of cologne, citrusy air-freshener and something clinical like a disinfectant. The music the DJ is playing all sound nearly the same for Daisy.

She got in using a fake Titanium Member pass she had fabricated using her portable 3D printer.

She is now in the VIP section of the club, restless on her seat. Being used to ergonomic gaming chairs, Daisy finds these club seats with never enough back support uncomfortable.

It has also been a while since she has been in a club, or any crowded place. Not since she ran away from the Stantons. She feels this uneasiness of being exposed to a mob of strangers. So she keeps adjusting herself on the seat and touching the tip of her cap.

Daisy, however, stops fidgeting when she sees Patrick come in with two guys.

The first thought that crosses Daisy's mind is he's better looking in person. In almost all of his online photos, he was posing with his chest out and chin up, making himself look forcibly tougher.

In the flesh, Patrick's clean-shaven face looks kind, and his messy blonde hair and subtle dimples combo has this boy-next-door vibe going for him.

He also doesn't look much like his father and Nate, both of whom share a little resemblance with each other.

Patrick has taken after his mother.

Daisy pulls down her cap a little and takes the first sip of the overpriced sparkling water she had ordered an hour ago.

Daisy's online stalking of Patrick had led her to learn of his regular visits to the nightclub they are in now. Daisy knew today, being a Friday, was most likely going to be a day when Patrick might come here.

A well built guy, pretending to be slightly drunk, bumps into Daisy. His hand purposely grazes her thigh. "Sorry," he says with a lopsided grin.

Without taking her eyes off Patrick, Daisy puts her hand into her pocket and pulls out a pocket knife. She swings it open and says, "If you can't watch where you're going, why don't you go cool down a bit before using those legs of yours again?"

Mouth gape open and wide-eyed, the guy stumbles back and leaves with a quick and steady walk.

Just so she wouldn't get disturbed again, Daisy keeps the knife out and then takes out two phones from her other pocket.

Different professionals use different methods of finding out people's secrets.

Journalists chat up to the close acquaintances of their targets. Private Investigators tail their mark. The cops interrogate the suspects. IRS goes through the finances.

And hackers get access to every device of their target.

Daisy wants full access to Patrick's phone to gather as much of his secret as possible. Planting a trojan horse via a text message, like she did with the phone of a former client's boyfriend, will give her only limited functions of the phone's operating system.

The only way to a thorough admission is to clone Patrick's phone. For which, she'll need to be close to him with an unregistered phone to clone into.

She first uses her own phone to send a text to Patrick and sees what he does.

On hearing the notification, Patrick takes out his phone from his pocket and sees the message. It looks like a spam from a dubious drug company advertising pills for erectile dysfunction. He deletes it and proceeds to do exactly what Daisy wanted him to do — place the phone on the table.

Daisy gets up. Shoves her own phone back into her pocket and pulls up the other phone. She taps on a red asterisk icon on the screen and triggers the cloning application.

She starts walking. When she's near Patrick's table, she kneels down on one knee and ties up her shoe lace that she'd undone as soon as she took a seat in the club. While knotting the cord, she double taps one of the volume buttons at the side of the phone.

Then she gets up, and leisurely walks out of the club.

Inside her parked car, Daisy first checks the application. The cloning is successful.

She then checks the contents of Patrick's phone.

Most of it is social media posts, forwarded pack agendas, porn and messages.

One message, however, interests her. It's received a few days ago from an anonymous sender. The message has a link. It says the link will give the location of the rogues. Daisy assumes the message refers to the rogues Patrick had recently caught.

Two things Daisy needs to look into now; One: the sender; Two: the link.

She decides she'll get going with the link first. But she can't do it with just her phone.

She starts her car.

Daisy gets back home and gets into her room and connects the phone to her laptop using a cable.

She first runs a sandbox program in her laptop so whatever the link may have in store for her won't affect the rest of her system. Then she opens the link inside that sandbox.

The link opens to a live Google Maps location, presumably the location where Patrick found the rogues. What Daisy noticed was there was a redirect before the Maps opened.

She closes the Maps tab, runs the browser's logger and goes back and clicks the link again.

She then checks the browser's logs and finds out the site that redirected to the Google Maps. Daisy opens the site directly and sees an application that seems to be made for tracking signals to their geographical coordinates.

In order to find out how the program works and who it belongs to Daisy looks into the application's source code.

As soon as she sees the large text file, with black background and full of color coded syntaxes, Daisy quickly backs away from the screen, looking shocked.

Daisy had noticed right away the repeating end point at regular intervals in the code.

She recognizes it.

It's a signature of the author of the code.

Her own signature.

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