#10 It's her loss

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After her morning shower and getting ready, when Daisy comes out of her room, Nate and Frank had already left. She heads to the kitchen to make herself a brunch when the doorbell rings.

Daisy opens the door and sees a voluptuous blonde girl with her mouth constantly moving in a chewing motion standing at front.

The girl says, "You must be Frank's cousin," while coming inside the house.

"You are?" Daisy asks, looking up and down at the girl.

"Frank didn't tell you about me?" the girl asks, sounding a little surprised.

It takes a second for Daisy to deduce who she could be. "Oh, sorry. You must be Lily, Frank's mate. I just woke up, so, mind's a bit foggy."

"That's okay," Lily says, still chewing her gum.

Daisy glances at the blonde's at least double-D bust, and a bottom that's round and plump like buns fresh out of the oven. Daisy thinks that no wonder Frank is smitten by this barbie girl who lets him touch her everywhere.

"Franky forgot something and asked me to bring it to him," Lily says walking over to Frank's room. Daisy stares at Lily's ass as it sways with every step, feeling sorry for her own ass or the lack of one.

When Lily comes back out, she looks at Daisy. "You're pretty. Got a mate?"


"There's a bonfire at the beach tonight. Why don't you come?"

Daisy grins. "I will, thanks."

In the evening, when Daisy reaches the beach only a few have arrived and the logs for the fire are still being arranged.

Lily is also one of the first to arrive. She grabs a tall boy standing next to her and takes him to Daisy. "Hey Daisy, glad you came. This is my brother, Tim."

Daisy opens her mouth to greet Tim when Lily says, "I'll leave you two alone. I have to take care of something," and leaves.

Tim scratches the back of his head.

"Am I being set up here?" Daisy asks.

"I'm sorry about my sister. She is a little overbearing."

"Must be a bad breakup."

"What?" Tim says.

"You are hot," Daisy says gesturing up and down at the muscly blonde guy. "Yet, your sister thinks she should set you up with someone. You must've had your heart broken lover boy."

Tim laughs. "You're smart. I didn't even know Frank had a sister."

"Cousin," Daisy says and before Tim could ask more about her non-existent family ties with Frank she says, "Look, I would love to hang out with you, but I really came here for the fire and it's not up yet. So, why don't you drive me around for a while and be my tour guide, and we can come back when it's dark?"

Tim looks like he's giving it a thought. "Sure. Let's go."

Tim and Daisy drive around in his Mercedes and just as he promised, he tells her about the neighborhoods and the buildings they come by.

"So when did you break up?" Daisy says.

"Been a while."

"A while can be anything: weeks, months, years."

"You're nothing like Frank, you know."

"Thank you very much."

Tim laughs, and then sighs. "Well, let's see, four years maybe."

Daisy's jaw drops. "Four years? Hold on. Was it a breakup or..."

"She rejected me."

Daisy can not believe what she was hearing. It's not that she takes mateship seriously. After all, she was raised by the Stanton gang. But this is the first time she's seeing rejecting mates in a proper pack. First it was Nate, although he had a valid reason and hasn't yet technically rejected her, and now this guy. Tim is too good looking for a girl to walk away from, especially his own mate.

"It's her loss," Daisy says.

"Thank you."

"No. Seriously. I don't know if I should feel bad for you or her. Why did she reject you?"

"She was in love with someone else."

Daisy shakes her head and looks out the window. "Can't wrap my head around that. So you've been what," she says turning back to him, "not seeing anyone else since?"

Tim just shrugs.

"You still love her, don't you?"

Tim doesn't say anything.

Daisy drops the subject. She knows he's waiting for her to come back to him. "You're like a rare specimen."

When they return to the beach, the fire is on, and there are more people. Tim and Daisy grab a beer each and find a spot to sit on the sand.

"What's that?" Daisy asks, pointing to a small round drawing on Tim's wrist she just noticed.

"It's a club stamp. It's taking forever to fade."

"Which club?"

"I don't remember the name. It was for a job."

"What kind of job takes you to clubs?"

"I'm working with Nate on something. We are looking for someone."

Little by little Daisy gets everything she has to know about why Nate and Frank have been going out on stakeouts.

"Catching rogues, huh? Must be tough," Daisy says.

"It's not that difficult to catch a rogue once they are in your sight. It's locating them that's difficult. They are very good at hiding."

"I know. But why does the Croway pack want their rogues back? This is the first time I'm hearing something like this. Are they going to punish everyone who left?"

"No, that's not why they want them back. Well, at least in most cases. The discord within the pack was getting worse at the time. It scared families away. And you can't really blame them. Being in an unstable pack can be as dangerous as an enemy attack. Croway's Alpha wants to bring them back and guarantee their safety and give their homes and positions back. There were also those who took advantage of the civil unrest and committed crimes. They will need to be tried and imprisoned."

"Fair enough. What if someone refuses to go back?"

"Everyone will be brought in front of their Alpha. He will judge fairly if anyone wants to keep their ties to the pack severed. It's also a matter of saving face and security for the Croway pack. It's not a good thing to have this many rogues from the pack outside."


"Daisy! Come over here for a second," Frank's voice shouts from behind them.

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