#54 ...Is you (THE END)

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In the locker room, Ian tightens his gloves, when he hears growls and shrieks — sounds of a fight. He peels off his gloves, throws them to the ground and hurries out of the room.

Everyone's gone. The rings are empty. The weights are on the ground. The punching bags are swinging.

Ian turns to his left and takes a step towards the gate, when the doors swing open and a couple of his men fall through, covered in blood. Once on the ground, they don't move.

Nate pushes the unconscious men's bodies to the side with his foot and comes in.

Every nerve on Ian's body is flooded with hate. He's finally face to face with the man who stole from him what he desired the most in the world.

"Took you long enough," Ian says.

"Didn't want to come too strong on your first time. Thought I'd take it slow before screwing you up for good," Nate says.

Ian smirks, "You seem to be doing good for someone whose mate ran away."

Nate doesn't say anything. Frank walks in. He glares at Ian.

"Brought your bitch, too, I see," Ian says.

"If you still wanted more after I'm done with you, he'll take over," Nate says.

"We'll see who gets done here," Ian says.

In the blink of an eye, Ian had pulled out the gun that was tucked into the waist of his pants behind. But just as soon, a bullet from Frank's gun hits the holder of Ian's. The gun flings out of Ian's grasp, nearly breaking his fingers.

"Likes to play dirty, I see," Frank says.

Nate and Ian glare at each other, while walking towards the nearby ring.

They climb up. Frank moves to the center to watch the show.

Swiftly punches get thrown in the air, close to Nate and Ian's heads. Missed kicks split the air like a whip.

Frank's body is pumped, wanting to be the one to face Ian. But he knows he is no match for the Stanton's leader. Just as he knows Ian is no match for Nate.

Nate lands a punch on Ian's chest, breaking a couple of rib bones.

Ian stumbles back but soon has his arms up again in fists like a spring returned to its form after release.

Ian throws a punch towards Nate. Nate moves out of its way and hits Ian's elbow. Both in pain and rage, Ian flings his arm back. Nate grabs it, and throws Ian out of the ring. Ian hits the lined chairs and sends them flying like bowling pins.

Nates jumps out of the ring. "If you can't have her, no one else can. Isn't that what you told her? Not only I already have her, she's mine forever."

Facing the ground, Ian smirks. "Not forever."

When Nate flung Ian out of the ring, he unknowingly threw Ian to the place where Ian's gun fell before. Ian found it. He quickly grabs and turns it towards Nate.

A shot is heard.

Ian falls.

Surprised, Nate looks at Frank. Frank lowers his gun that's smoking at the tip. "I know you had that," Frank says. "But I had to do it."

Nate sighs and looks at Ian.

"If it bothers you," Frank says. "She doesn't have to know."


Daisy finishes going through the last of the account statements. There's been no withdrawal in any of the accounts that Stantons had.

It was like one day the gang was there, and next day it wasn't. All she heard from Nate was the council was after the gang as well. With Thomas gone, the gang broke up. Everyone went into hiding.

Daisy can believe that, yet...

"Daisy, I'm heading out to the beach," Liam shouts as he runs out of the house to join the other boys he had recently befriended in Raketrope.

Daisy was relieved when Nate brought Liam back home. The only other thing she regretted doing, other than leaving behind Thomas, was leaving behind Liam. Ever since they were little Liam always listened to Ian so she couldn't trust him. But she's glad now that Liam is also out Ian's shadow.

Daisy looks ahead. Nate is on the couch talking in his phone. She swallows.

She never asked him about Ian. He never said anything either.

Then she looks down at the back of her left hand where Ian had bit her on that dreadful day. If it weren't for Thomas she would've been hurt in a way from which she would've never recovered.

Daisy pulls back her hand from the table to her lap, and closes her computer with the other.

"Found anything?" Nate asks, as he puts down his phone.

Daisy has a feeling he knows she didn't. "No."

"Need to check anything else?"

Daisy looks down again at the left hand. Then she looks outside where Liam was there a moment ago getting into one of his new friend's car, living like a normal teenager for the first time.

"No," Daisy says. Ian is probably somewhere plotting his revenge against her, like he usually does. That's also okay, she thinks.

Nate had come over to her. "You sure?"

She looks up and smiles. "I have nothing left to search for anymore. Everything I need is right here," she says and holds his hand.

Nate bends down. They kiss. He slides his arms under her legs and lifts her.

She drapes her arms around him. While he takes her up the stairs, she says, "What about you Alpha? You looking for anything?"

"Just a little thief, who stole something from me."

Daisy brings her lips close to his ear. "You sure you want it back?"

"No," he says as he lays her down on their bed. "I just want the thief."

"You couldn't catch the thief yet?" She says, feigning surprise.

Nate takes off his t-shirt and bends down. "No. I'm afraid, she caught me first."

Daisy laughs. "Shouldn't have fallen for her bait then," she says.

"Why is that?" He says and kisses her neck.

Daisy turns her head and meets his eyes and whispers. "Because what she really wanted to steal.. is you." 


— A/N —

I just finished my very first novel (over 50,000 words!) 😭  This is insane! Never thought I could do something like this. 

One of the many feedbacks I often received from you was that it would be better if the stories were a bit longer. 

So I gave my best this time for a longer format, and I hope you liked the result. But I know I can still improve more, so if you have any feedback please feel free to leave them in comments. They help a lot for me to learn from! 

Now, of course, I'll be back before you know it. Promise. I haven't decided yet if I want to squeeze in another genre story before starting ML10. As you guys know I've also written "Trip To Corsun", "Peck Penalty", and "Chasing Blue".  It's sometimes nice to mix things up. But as I said, haven't decided anything yet. Whatever my next book is, I'll make sure you have fun reading it. 

Rest well in the mean time, so next time I see you, we both are ready for the ups and downs of the next pair of lovers ;) 

Will miss you guys. 

See you soon, and... since this is near the end of the year, let me be the first one to wish you a very happy and prosperous 2023. 

— 💕 Auctorsam

PS: Don't forget to login and follow my author page to receive my future books and update notifications! 👍

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