#27 I'm glad, it's you

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Once their ride has safely took off from the runway, Daisy breathes out. But she feels she's still not back to normal yet. Nate feels that, too.

Daisy thinks to herself how stupid she was. And not just that, she had risked exposing Nate, too. She probably wouldn't have been this shaken by the incident if it weren't for Nate. She couldn't risk Ian knowing about Nate. It doesn't matter to her that Nate is more than capable of taking care of himself, she still won't allow the Stantons near him, especially Ian. She just won't.

When her eyes meets Nate's, they are glaring back at her, waiting for an explanation.

"Sorry," Daisy sheepishly says. "I got scared. I didn't want to get caught. Something like this won't happen again."

"Who was that wolf?" Nate asks through his teeth.

Daisy looks away. "Ian Stanton. He must have known I was in Mexico since we arrived at the airport, and flew in. He must've guessed I would go see Pablo."

"He seems to know you very well," Nate says.

He does, Daisy thinks. "I've worked with him since we were kids."

"So, what? You guys were partners? friends? lovers?"

Daisy snaps her head towards him, scowling. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You tell me," he says, leaning towards her. "You were the one who fucking stood there listening to his call."

"He's the one I used to report to. My wolf recognized a call I'd answered to a million times before. That was all it was."

"It didn't fucking seem like that. And why the fuck that bastard himself would come down to get you?"

"What are you insinuating?"

"What was your fucking relationship with Ian? Did you fuck him?"

Daisy gets up to change her seat. Nate pulls her down. "Don't fucking walk away when I'm talking to you."

Daisy has never heard Nate talk like this. But then again, she knows she's the reason for it. She meets his eyes to say something personal. Something that isn't his business, something he doesn't deserve to know, but it will calm the Nate who seems to be losing himself now. And she's tired. "No," she says. "Not him. Not anyone else."

Nate grabs the back of her head and starts kissing her. Daisy is startled. She thought he would  leave her alone.

He pulls her to his lap, grabbing her tighter.

Daisy doesn't like this. Nate doesn't even feel like Nate. She pushes him off. He grabs her by hair and pulls her, bearing his fangs. His eyes are pitch black.

"N-Nate," she says, trembling. "Babe, please."

Her voice pulls Nate out of the dark place he has been falling into since he first saw tears on her face today. There's this rage that wouldn't go away. Nate regains his self control and lets her go. "Fuck! fuck, Daisy, fuck, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Daisy sits down on the opposite seat. "Don't ever do that to me," she says, wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry," he repeats. "Fuck, I'm sorry." He gets up and leaves, and disappears into the cockpit.

After the duo had returned to Nate's home, Frank senses something off with his friend and his friend's mate, so he asks Nate what's wrong.

Nate shares with Frank the events. Frank says, "I know what you need to do. You need to start taking suppressors."

"What? I didn't go sex-crazed on her, Frank, it's just, the way she was... it's like something snapped in me."

"That's how it starts. Look, you didn't like that another guy's howl had an effect on her. That's called jealousy, and jealousy leads to possessiveness. You forced a kiss on her this time, but, if you continue to stay like this, it won't be long before you lose yourself trying to mark her."

Nate feels lost, and maybe even a bit scared. She's the last person he would ever want to hurt.

Frank says, "I've some in case of emergency, take one now."

After frank comes back from his room, he gives Nate a red pill and a glass of water. Nate takes it, and instantly starts to feel that rage swirling inside him recede.

Frank hands him the strip. "Keep some on you always. Especially, if she's nearby."

"Thanks, man," Nate says, taking it.

"No problem, but you should talk to her. She seemed a bit shaken. I'm sure she would understand you didn't mean to hurt her."

Taking his friend's advice, Nate goes to Daisy's room. Daisy sits up from her bed. Nate opens his mouth to start his apology.

"I'm sorry," Daisy says. "I put us under risk, and pushed you to a corner."

"No," Nate says, "I'm the one who should be sorry. No matter what the circumstance was I shouldn't have forced myself on you."

"But you weren't even yourself," Daisy says, recalling how dark his pupils looked.

"I know. I just took a suppressor. Frank told me to be on them till... we sort things out."

"Suppressor? But... I didn't go into heat. You didn't look like you were reacting to my heat."

Nate brushes his hair with his fingers, and sits down on the chair. "Seeing you cry, and then the way you stood frozen to that guy's howl, I..."

"You were feeling protective, and... jealous?" Daisy smirks at the uncomfortable looking Nate. "Could it be, by any chance, you've started to like your mate?"

Nate breathes out. "Don't," he says before donning a serious expression on his face. "Don't make me feel this way. Not now."

Daisy looses her smile, looks down and nods.

On his way out, Nate stops at the door and without looking back, says, "At the cafe, when we first met, you said you knew who I was and you're okay with the rejection. I assume that means you really know everything about me, and therefore the reason why I want to be my pack's Alpha. And as twisted as this may sound, you are the only one who had ever accepted what I wanted without judging me or my goal." He pauses before saying, "What I want to say is... I'm glad you are my mate."

After he leaves, Daisy lies down and wipes the wet corners of her eyes. "Me, too," she whispers, "I'm glad, it's you."

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