Chase ||CS x GN||

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Cheongsan POV

I was being chase by three men. I joined my school's track team so they won't be able to catch me quickly but I have to distract them so they can stop chasing me. This isn't really what I planned for Saturday but whatever, more fun i guess.

Panting, I suddenly turn but got into a dead end. Shit! Why me?!

Turning around, I saw two men, where was the third one? might be too diabetic to run. I suddenly felt sweat rolling down my forehead, glaring at the men as they grinned, probably glad because they caught me? Hah! Morons, I'm a red belt in taekwondo. I'm so full of surprises!

Just as I was ready to attack them, a mere figure went in between them, kicking one of them. The other guy tried to punched the freakishly handsome man but he quickly dodged it, pulling the guy's wrist and twisting it. I think I heard his bones crack. Damn, that's hot.

He approached me, smiling ear to ear like he was superman. I glared at him, feeling mad because he ruined my fun! I could've taken both of 'em!

"If you think I'm gonna thank you? No." I murmured, glaring at him as I see his offended expression. "What? Is this how you're gonna treat your savior? aka, future husband?" He smirked as he cocked his head. What the actual fuck? He's hitting on me?

"I could've taken them! You just had to interfere and ruin my fun!" I exclaimed, feeling furious. I had to spy on those men just so they would think im a cop or something and chase me down. After finishing them, I'd take their money, easy income! Don't judge, this is how I go with my life.

"Really? Perhaps you'd wanna have 'fun' with me too?" He grinned as he pulled me close to him, making me fall on his chest. Just as I was gonna talk back, the third man came running at us, eyes filled with red. Looks like boogyman.

"Watch out!" I yelled as I pushed the stranger away and punched the man's face, pinning him on the ground. I quickly searched for his pockets and found his wallet."Thanks old man." I smiled sweetly as I kicked his face hard, making him pass out.

"Whoa prince, quite aggressive hm?" The stranger smiled as he offered his hand out. I took it, but instead of standing up, I pulled him down with me. "Kinky." He groaned, as I laugh my ass off.

I stood up, offering my hand for him.

"I'm Cheongsan."



This was so lame wtf 💀

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