Betrayal ||CS x GN||

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"Hyung, I have to go to practice!" Cheongsan groaned as he tried to get out of Gwi-nam's hold.

"Come on Yeo bo just 5 more minutes" Gwi-nam whined as he held the younger's waist, keeping him in place.

Cheongsan sighs, smiling slightly at the older's clinginess.


The memories came flooding in Cheongsan's eyes as he sees his boyfriend embracing a beautiful woman. He clutched his chest, near his heart as he feels his knees weakening at the horrible sight.

"What?.." He asks lowly, staring at the two shocked lovers. His eyes going blurry as he feels his heart pounding in a fast rate.

"Cheongsan, wait! I- it's not what it looks like!" The shocked male quickly came to realization that he got caught holding a different woman in his strong arms. "You-.. You could've just told me you w-were tired! Why did you have to do this?!" Exclaimed the crying boy, glaring at the arms that held the girl so protectively, realizing that his boyfriend, now ex, never held him with so much love like that before.

"I- I'm sorry.. I know it's wrong." Gwi-nam stared at the ground, feeling ashamed for what he did.

"You knew it was wrong but you still did it?!" Cheongsan was furious, wiping his tears angrily as he stared at the handsome man. He knows he shouldn't admire him anymore, but his heart won't listen to him. He glared at Gwi-nam with eyes that held the saddest tears.

Cheongsan looks back at the girl, getting even more angry as he saw her innocent eyes. He can't get himself to be mad at the girl. She seemed so clueless to the situation, not knowing that the man who she loved was the man who betrayed her.

"You might be on top now, Gwi-nam, but the earth spins." he continues, "You can be on top, but it won't last forever." Cheongsan smirkes as he sees Gwi-nam shaking from his gaze.

"You won't be so strong for long." Cheongsan walked away, but stops as he opens the door. "Hey," He looks back at the girl, sees her eyes filled with fat tears. "Find someone who will love you, and you only." He opens the door and walks out, slamming it in the process.

The girl glared at Gwi-nam, who had a look of regret in his eyes. She slaps him hard, filled with hatred. "You son of a bitch.." She exclaims as she runs away from that horrid place, leaving the speechless man to suffer on his own.

Gwi-nam stared at the door where Cheongsan left. He feels anger, not to Cheongsan or the girl, but to himself. He regrets the things he did, he regrets hurting the only man he ever loved, the man whose eyes sparkle whenever he sees him, lips stretching into a wide smile when he spots Gwi-nam. The man who had walked out, looking emotionless, almost not caring of what will happen to him.

I fucked up.

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