Chapter 6:Through my window

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IT was the last bell for the day that just rang and everyone was just actually on the hall way at same time trying to get through the exit door which was at the extreme end of the Hall way leading to the fields.
Damn it! How is that even possible, I stand in completely drown of pose watching the student as they try to squeeze themselves through the door.
oh okay now that's f**king annoying.**
Lexi and i on usuals will always take the school bus since we almost got into a bad accident earlier last year with her white camera car, oh! Damn that was so fucking scary as hell , for some moments I thought I was already dead , I mean I can't just die yet without breaking my virginity for Christ sake ! ,..
And suddenly a white range rover jeep pulled over right in our front, for a moment I was terrified, am not sure what Lexi felt at that moment but her face was in disguised as I search them for some words or expression. She was just standing there like she already knew the car was gonna pull over .
The tinted windows made it difficult to see through the car or who was inside it as we both struggle to get a glance, fuck!!! I kinda hate this right now , The passenger window was rolled down and here is that beautiful face that I have been stealing glances from all through the day , yeah o know am so fucking dumb huh? . Her eyes was the most beautiful and electrifying thing I have ever set my eyes on , oh and those lips they look so soft and kiss ...... , screw me now , what exactly am I thinking, brain I think you should take a break now . " hey girls," she said with a beautiful grin on her face , I know she has her gaze fixed on me , this beautiful creature here will definitely be the end of me !! .
"hey"Lexi replied sounding excited .. "hope you don't mind a ride? I- mean just asking" she was looking at Lexi this time cause she seems to be the one doing all the talking and stuff , wait am I jealous or what , pfff now ways , and I what did I do , I just stood there with my hands on my jeans pocket lost in whatever stupid thoughts that's in my head .
the next second Lexi voiced echoed in my ears to open up the door.. wait what! What's the monkey doing in there , she was already inside the car with her head out asking if am not getting in "hey Betty !! You ain't getting your ass in here? " asked with her eyes wide open . oh that's when it came to my notice that Ann was asking if she can give us a ride home, honestly why will she even need to ask goddamn it this girl is so fucking pretty as hell , no not as hell, she's just so pretty.
We both got into the car, no Lexi first got in and then I followed, I can't help but noticed there's someone driving the car and it's not the woman that moved in yesterday with her and her brother it's a different person it's a man , who looked more like a security personnel or some kind of a body guard, Lexi looked at me with that knowing look on her face and I think I know what that meant , I just shrugged my shoulders in response,
I shifted my gaze to watch the students as they made their way home in two's and some in more, I drifted away from the mirror, oh not again as my gaze meet with hers from the passenger seat mirror which she is occupying , "oh boy"
I thought she was busy with her phone, No but here she is having fun messing with me cause I can really see those grin on her face just from earlier today in the cafeteria when she held my hands to shake , f**k !! I was a chicken back then for not controlling emotions or should I say my nervousness.**
Luckily for me she ain't holding my hands right now and that's way much better, " isn't it?" But I kinda love the way she held my hands back then and seriously her hands are so damn soft . "Betty you are gradually loosing your mind" I said as I tapped on my head .
"Wakey, wakey Alice in wonder land , what are you thinking huh?, are finally contemplating on how to loose your virginity this year" Hahahah.... Lexi lets out I can't believe she said those to my hear, well ThankGod she didn't say it out loud to another hearing I would have buried her right away , but i will still do that maybe not this moment.
Lexi was still laughing her stomach out when she was interrupted by a familiar voice, oh I know that voice, it's Ann's voice I mean who else will own such beautiful voice "What's up girls, you guys okay back there, ?" She asked with a concern look on her pretty face .
"Yeah, yeah every thing is okay dear", Lexi answered with a quick glance at me , " right betty" ?
seriously I wanna kill this girl right now . " yeah we good" I responded smiling at Ann, and turning back to Lexi with a dagger gaze, but she was trying so hard so hard not to let out another laugh,
The rest of the ride was a quite one since everyone here is busy with their phone, well apart from me who gets bored staring at mine , I mean social media hasn't always been my thing.
"Hey!! Guys pull over am not going home with you all today, maybe some other time " Lexi said as, Hah we almost forgot that she ain't leaving in the street with Ann and I . She leaves in the neighboring street six to ten minutes drive away from mine , oh I mean "ours" .
"Okay girls, you all should take care, and oh betty especially you" she said smiling ear to ear , wtf!! Is this girl problem, I seriously need to Stan glue her now .
She waved at Ann, oh she has literally forgotten about our cheek kiss right , I thought feeling a little bit angry at her, why isn't she going in anymore as she turned her back moving close to where our car is parked just in front of her house almost ready to ride off " oh betty"she said smiling like a fool as she leaned closer to me to kiss my cheeks.
Annie couldn't help but smile at us both. "Okay byeee" my best friend said waving stupidly at us
"She's really so sweet" Ann said , an also silly as I cut her off , she couldn't help but laugh, " damn she's even more prettier when she laughs, I wish I can always make her laugh like this .
Okay, so here we are , home already I wished this drive never ended I mean that we actually lived miles away from school so that I can spend more time here with her .
I came down from the car, and bumping into her , like wasn't she just there a while ago ? How ...? Well maybe it took me minutes to get my ass off the car seat.
And now here is the girl that have been taking up spaces in my head right here in front of me , what are you thinking? Yes you right am absolutely freaking out like a chicken again .
" uhm.. thanks so much for the ride, I just can't imagine be stuffed up like a sandwich in that school bus again this year" I said maybe trying to sound funny , and ... YeH!! She's smiling again.
I don't mind accepting that as a responsibility , just making her smile, it's such a beautiful view.
"Mmm...,well I bet since we are neighbors now and I can drive my car to school starting tomorrow that won't be a problem" she said with an assuring smile still on her face , oh boy!! Why do I fell like doing my happy dance, damn I can't be less happier than this moment this is the best thing ever, I can get to ride with this beautiful girl everyday to school and back , now school won't be less fun, just the thought alone .... give it a break betty you thinking too much .
"Wow that's fantastic, I... I mean it's so cool" I can't believe am stuttering like sh**t now **
And she just gave me a knowing smile and wave at me as she was about to inside her house , I waved back "byee" .
Hmmm.. "I guess someone had a nice day in school today" huh? She asked with a wicked smile on her face, God!! Why isn't this woman acting like her age, she acts just exactly as my best friend Lexi , always nose poking in my business.
She really still thinks that she is a teen .
"Mum school was fine , there wasn't any exciting thing or special about to today," I said with a disguise look on my face , hell no!! Heaven's knows that am hell of a bad liar , today was probably one of the best day , yeah although a little bit well just cool ,
My mum looked at my face, like she can actually read my mind , oh I hope not since u can't remember her being a witch.
"Ok mum I will be going to my room now , and pretty tired and hungry too" u said as I groaned up to my room.
I dropped my school bag off the bed and rush to my window , oh I think am really stalking her now ".
Pretty much for a day, I was quite disappointed when I can't see or notice any moments in the room which I saw her occupying last night .
Well maybe cause it's not yet dark , I reasoned having a little glimpse of hope , ahhh why am I so excited right now ! F**k betty behave **
It was dinner time already and jay is back from school and all ready to devour whatever prey that is landing on his plate cause that face right there os his hella of a hungry one.
After dinner I bid my mum and my little brother a goodnight with a cheek kiss and rum up stairs to my room and this time I locked the door from inside I won't need any kind of disturbance from any one cause this is the moment I have anticipated for all day.
I can clearly see that someone is in Ann's room but am not just sure if she's the one cause the cottons are all closed making it difficult for me to see through , but now I can see two shadows, two women it's Ann and her mother .
I watched for a while and now it seems like one is gonna is about to leave, the one that looks more like the mum .
The lights went off and she came to the window to widen open the cottons letting in some air ,
I watch her with kin interest as she patted the cottons slowly like it's some fragile item that needed a lot more carefulness while handling
I can't help but imagine those beautiful hands caressing my body , "Betty you have finally lost it" damn my mind and head is so filled up already with her , this is just the first day, I just can't help but wonder what will happen the the next day or in a week or a month time .
I returned my gaze on her , tho i was earlier just that my mind wasn't , and here is the girl in my mind smiling at me, at first I pretended not to see her but I just can't put up with the act any longer she's just so irresistible, and I can't wait to be close to her just as earlier today when I bumped into her while getting down from the car , that was the closest I have been with her and I can smell her perfume, it's so girly and smells nice .
We stood there in the window with our gaze locked like we are in some sort of her contact competition, Believe me if I say that am not gonna loose at any cost , not when it comes to staring at this beauty standing right in my front .
She waved at me murmuring something which I guess to be goodnight, I smiled back at her with the same gesture and waved goodnight, I watched her off the lights and went to her bed , I guess it's really goodnight for real , I can't wait for tomorrow morning, another day to see a beautiful face .
Now it really came to my notice that am damn really having a crush on Annie, "wait come to think of it , all this while you didn't realize ? You must be kidding me ,
Yeah, you like that girl,
I mean look at the grin on your face, and you are stalking her, you feel like a piece of sh**t around her cause you are shy as fuck!! **
I think am finally gonna accept the fact that am gay, and you don't give any sh**t about guys, but just this particular girl that moved in just yesterday as your neighbor **
"Come on head !!! Just shut it and sleep, I groaned as I can help my head from not thinking all those stuffs, which really seems to be true .

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