A term

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This is a term which happens to two siblings who are divided by someone else and have {North/West or South/East} before their names.

Basically if they are near their siblings, They'll feel either distress or have a sudden pain in their Left/Right eye.

Mostly the North and South one's feel distress.
For example North and south Korea feels distress when they're near each other.
But in case of splitting because of rebellion it doesn't happen.
For example, North and South Sudan don't experience this term.

And the West/East one's feel the sudden pain in their eye.
What exactly happens is when a country or a state/province are near each other their Left or right eye starts to pain.
For example if West bengal and Bangladesh are near each other they will feel the pain in their eye, West bengal's right eye will start to hurt and Bangladesh's Left eye will start to hurt, The same thing used happen with East and west Germany.

So, How do they stop this from happening ? They wear a magical eyepatch, Which causes them to not feel distress and pain in their eye. {Another thing , if one of the siblings changes their flag , the flag printed on the eyepatch also changes}

This term hasn't been named yet.

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