🇱🇰Sri lanka🇱🇰

83 9 7

●Character design:

●Apearance in description:

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Apearance in description:

She is quite short as her land area itself is small.
Her hair color is yellow, The front part of her hair is in a Reddish-Pink colour. A bright yellow 'Ahoge' sticks out from her front hair.
She ties her hair into a ponytail.
Two bands hungs down from a bright yellow hairclip.
[One being a 'Blueish-green' and the other being orange, Representing the left part of her flag]

She wears a yellow-Red blouse covered with a transparent orange cloth, Her left sleeve is in the same Blueish-green colour as the band and her right sleeve is in the same orange colour as the band And she wears a Skirt of Green-Orange and Red-yellow colour.
She has yellow ears and tail of a lion.

[Representing the lion in her flag]

She has hetrochromia .
Her Right eye is Red and the left eye, Orange.
[A/N: Please tell me if the spelling is wrong- I forgot it]


She is a really sweet and nice CH!
Untill you drive her to the edge ufcouse................
She is a cheerful Representation.
But during these past months she is losing her sanity because of Covid,The Dept trap by China and all the chaos that had been going on....

More about her:

-} She goes by She/They pronouns.

-} She shows her emotions really extremely.
Like she'd make sure that you know exactly how she feels about Something/Situation/Someone etc.








India- [Older sister]

Nepal- [Younger brother]

Other relative(s)-


●Extra things:

-} she and her siblings remembers zero percent about thier parents.

-} She has slight anger issues, though she's still cheery.

-} She often sits and think how far she'd come.....How many centuries have passed......And misses everything.

-} She ABSOLUTELY Loves to dance!

A/N: That's all for now......
Hope this was 'enjoyable' or something-
Also if anyone of you notice any grammatical mistake or spelling mistake or ANY THING, You can tell me anywhere (In wattpad ofc)
Anyways Alvida~

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