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●Character design:

●Character design:

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He is extremely friendly! He might 'look' a bit cold and rude but he is the exact opposite.
He mostly looks at the bright side of everything.
He is sweeeeettttt

More about him:

-} He goes by he/they pronouns.

-} He covers both his eyes, with a
eye-path of a crescent and moon for his right eye and another for his left eye with a white band.

[Representing his flag]

-} He respects everyone, even them who he doesn't have much of a great relation with.

-} He's not blind, he just covers his eyes to represent his flag.



Muslim league





Other relative(s)-


●Extra things:

-} Rumors- Some people say that he never removes his eyepatchs even while sleeping or anything!
And the irony is that He ignores this rumour greatly.

-} He loves to just peacefully sit infront of his garden.

-} He loves singing.

-} He and India holded a lot of grudge against UK which is why UN instructed them to wait for claiming the Titles.

●History Lore: [] . . . .

[During partition] ---)> 1947___

It was first assumed that Muslim League would be the representation but as soon as 'Pakistan' got independence...Muslim league immediately died,
So he (Pak) became the representation.
Though he actually waited till 1972 to claim his title as CH representation of Pakistan.

[Indo-Pak wars(1&2)] ---)>

He obviously knew about the wars.
But he didn't interfere or took charge of anything as he was instructed by UN to not claim his title until he somewhat had a neutral opinion about other CH's
Another reason was that he was just waiting for the tension between Pakistan and India to calm down a bit as he didn't wanted to have the guilt for so much destruction to overwhelm him and he saw India as an Aunt.

[Third Indo-Pak war] ---)> 1971___

It was actually a lot overwhelming for him.
As he considered 'East Pakistan/Bangladesh' like an older sister.
Bangladesh trusted him about the well being of her people and independence,
But he failed to keep the trust.
It was after this war he decided that enough is enough...A LOT was going on in his country and world and he needed to take charge.

[] ---)> 1972___

He claimed his title and actively started to do his responsibility.


A/N: That's all for now......
Hope this was 'enjoyable' or something-
Also if anyone of you notice any grammatical mistake or spelling mistake or ANY THING, You can tell me anywhere (In wattpad ofc)
Anyways Alvida~

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