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Requested by:》Ccani_beniceE

Yes! So for this story i have to gender bend those two.
Also I apologise in advance as I am not really good at writing such stories.
Alright enough chit chat onto the story.

°○_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ○°

??? POV:

"No matter what reason I come up with i still feel like I'm in love with him...What should I do? Should I just ignore these feelings?"

"But just...How can I be sure that I love him in that way, maybe that's just... I don't know, admiration?"

"Besides not like i have experience with love even though I'm so old"

India says to particularly nobody,,,
Well he doesn't really wants to reveal this anybody anyways.,,,

"It's rather... questionable"

"How long must i have been actually feeling this?"

He questions himself, knowing he won't be getting any answer he decides to drop the question,,,

But really, what should he do?

"Should I tell him?"

At the country of Russia, A certain CH has been having the same kind of thoughts recently,,,,

"Ah, These 'excitingly' lovely feelings I have for India, I really can't get my mind to stop thinking about him"

"Maybe it's time I just tell him"

"That India,I love you"

Soon enough Russia realised how weird it might sound if he says it like that,,,
Neverthless he'll confess his feelings to the tricoloured nation,,,
And maybe he will use that line,,,

Russia:                                           :India

My country humans universe (would also contain indian states )Where stories live. Discover now