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Requested by Ccani_beniceE

Me: Ahhh yes,late yet again.....Though I was quite unsure how I should do it, nevertheless I decided to make it like a story....?
But now now countries aren't allowed to do it because WHO doesn't let them, why? Watch this video of mine

Hope that explains it.
i'll still do it but this never actually happened, okay?

Bangladesh and Pakistan somehow got Teleported somewhere--,,,

"আরে...এই কি?.."
(Huh...What is this?..)
Bangladesh muttered to herself.

"I feel a change of place,Hello? Is someone nearby?" Pakistan said looking rather uncomfortable.

"Yes Pakistan, I'm Bangladesh. I'm on your left" Bangladesh said looking at the dark green and white country.

"Bangladesh? Do you know where we are?" Pakistan.

".......Well...this place...." Bangladesh.

"Yes? " He tries to face her by turning to the left.

"Don't know...sorry" She answers and apologises.
But then she notices a paper,,,,

"Huh? A paper,I wonder what is in it" She says as she picks it up.

"A Paper?.....Bangla?" Pakistan asks.

"It's a photo...." She says.

"Hmmm?" He question-ingly hums.

"It shows India.....And she's smoking!?" She starts out causal but soon almost shouts.

"Maybe you're mistaken! No way she'll do that..." Pakistan.

"She Looks rather young....Maybe it's old" Bangladesh says.

"......Maybe we should tell UN" Bangladesh suggested.

"But...Shouldn't we like, ask India about it first??? If this is infact from many years ago or if this is fake" Pakistan.

"You're right..." Lets call both of them then.


Bangladesh calls UN first and tells him about it then she added india in conference call,,,

India: "No....I've never smoked in my entire life!"

UN: "I do believe you Republic of India, I do..."

India: "Thank you for trusting me, The United Nations and I've said this before....just India is fine"

UN: "Okay then...I won't tell WHO about this and Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and-"

Bangladesh: "Bangladesh is fine for me UN...Oh- Sorry for interrupting you!!"

UN: "It's quite okay...Bangladesh."

UN: "I suppose that it is the end now?"

India: "I guess..."

Bangladesh: "Yes! Thank you for your time UN"

India: "Bye Bangladesh and UN and Bangla?"

Bangladesh: "Yes?"

India: "Say thank you to Pakistan for me, For trusting me that I won't do that..."

Bangladesh: "M-hm I will"

           THE END

My country humans universe (would also contain indian states )Where stories live. Discover now