4 ~ Late Night 'Talking'

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It got to around 11 and I felt myself slowly drifting to sleep despite the chills I had from the window being propped open. I knew I should stay up because Riley would be coming but I just couldn't, I was too exhausted.
Soon I fell asleep and what seems like only minutes later I felt someone stroking my face, realising it'd be Riley but I chose to lay still and listen in to see if he'd say anything and that he did.
"Shannon? Shannon?" I felt him now nudging me but I tried to stay as still as possible. Then he kissed my forehead, why is he cute when I haven't even got my eyes open to witness it. "Shannon, if only you knew." If only I knew what? Wait, I can feel him getting off my bed, he's leaving?! To stop him going before he could get far enough I did something that shocked myself.
I sat up, grabbing his arms resulting in him falling on top of me on my bed. His eyes were wide with shock at first but when he relaxed and looked to see the position we were in, the look in his eyes changed. A smirk was playing on his lips and all I could do was lie there, my hands pinned beneath his, and the only part of our bodies not touching being our faces.
"I like this position" he said with a cheeky wink, excuse me? I took this as my opportunity to wind him up and so I span both of us over so that he was underneath me and I was straddling him, well trying as I couldn't quite get comfortable.
"What about this position Riley?" As I spoke I suddenly felt, well, Riley. His smirk remained but my eyes grew wide as I jumped off him ready to shout except he jumped up after me placing a hand over my mouth and pushing me against the wall.
When my eyes relaxed I saw him realise our close proximity again. His smirk once again only grew as he slowly reached for my hands and pinned them both together above my head. He held them there with just one of his hands and then with the other started to trace a line with his fingers down my body. Soon he reached my bum and I gasped with shock but I did not just gasp, you guessed it, I gasped his name. He smiled and kissed my cheek before going over to my bed and taking a seat insisting that I took one next to him and so I did.
I sat next to him and he began to speak, "I really did come to get to know you Shannon, you just make it so, so, difficult."
"Sorry, I guess?" I said mostly as a question, he just laughed it off and continued.
"How about we play 21 questions, as cliche as it is." I stifled a giggle and agreed and since it was his idea he started, "age?"
"18, what about you?"
"19, favourite colour?" I gave him a questioning look,"colour, really?!"
"Yes, just answer!" He laughed.
"Okay, okay, green, favourite band?"
"All Time Low, virgin?" At that I suddenly choked, why the fuck would he want to know that! Then I heard my little subconscious whispering how it's obvious and I guess it is, that's what guys think about right?
"Erm yeah I am, blondes or brunettes?"
"Either" he then winked at me which made me shuffle in my seat only for my eyes to dart straight up when he asked me if I had ever kissed any one.
I gulped aggressively as I looked up and starred at him, and go those amazing eyes. I'm pretty sure my cheeks started to burn up and so he realised.
"Omg, wait?! You've never kissed anyone have you?!" He starred in shock, why did I not know this game would be a bad idea.
"No, well maybe once when I was like super little, but, I've never really had any experience with boys" I explained With a small shrug. It's true and yeah it's kind of embarrassing but I'd rather that than be your Classic A grade slut.
Suddenly he was off my bed and heading to the window but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Riley? Where are you going? I'm sorry, I totally get if I'm too geeky, or too shy, and ugly and..." Suddenly I was cut off by him pushing me against the wall, again and kissing me everywhere except my lips. What the fuck?! I managed to push him off me finally and he gave me a questioning look. My eyes started to water, I could feel it, I felt rejected. "why won't you kiss me?" I ask in barely a whisper, getting caught on my words as a lump formed in my throat. I don't know how I managed to fool my self into thinking a guy as attractive as Riley would ever think of kissing me, or why any guy would.
He gave me a sympathetic look as he placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing circles with his thumb. He gave me a light kiss on the cheek before speaking in barely a whisper himself "Shannon, trust me when I say I want to kiss you, more than anything. Your beautiful, smart, funny and I've known you less than 24 hours. To be honest with you I'm completely shocked that you haven't kissed a boy or had sex because quite frankly I would do so many unthinkable, unspeakable things to you, but anyway I'm getting side tracked. The point is I can't be your first kiss, I won't because you deserve better." I thought for a minute before I replied,
"Riley, I don't even deserve you so that's not a good enough reason." He looked at me questionably and then started leaning in. Then I realised he wasn't leaning in to my lips but my ear. He kissed the edge of my ear making me take a sharp breath in before he started to whisper, his mouth still tracing my outer ear. "One day I will take you up on that offer, but for now friends, and once you've had that first kiss with a nice guy, we can have some real fun" with that he walked away. "see you later Shannon." Then he was gone.
"Bye Riley" I said barely audible as I walked over to my bed and climbed in for the second time tonight. I just knew my dreams were bound to be filled with him, and not just him, but him and me, Riley and me, together.

AN: hope you enjoyed that, I wanted to make them kiss but sorry guys, not just yet aha 😛😉😘

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