5 ~ Almost... Connor

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The next morning I woke up without a plan but with a mission that I must complete, kiss Riley.
Now I just have to come up with a plan that will blow his mind, basically I need to seduce him. Since I got Riley's number yesterday I texted him saying to come over in an hour so that gives me an our to look decent.
I jumped up and got in the shower. I then tied my hair in a messy high bun so it would end up wavy, put on a small dress with way too much skin showing for my liking and put on some light make up. So now for the plan which I may or may not have thought up whilst in the shower. Here goes nothing. I get in bed and climb under the covers facing the wall opposite my bed. I make certain he can't see my face so there's no way he can tell I'm awake. Then I hear the door being opened downstairs... Time for the plan.
I hear Riley knocking on my door but I simply ignore it and continue to pretend I'm asleep. Then I hear the door open and close. Here goes I guess.
I feel the bed dip next to me and a hand touch my arm. As soon as I feel this I throw myself up and kiss him. It was only suppose to be a small kiss but I feel him kiss back and place his hand on my cheek keeping me there. For some reason his hand feels different then before, and then I feel him being pulled away and pushed onto the floor. My eyes shoot open to see Riley's older brother Connor lying on the floor with riley standing looking down at him with anger evident in his face. Connor is holding his nose and I can see blood. Why did he have to ruin my plan, really Connor!? As I was about to rant to myself in my head Riley started yelling at Connor.
"Connor what the fuck man, why would you kiss her you dick!?"
"Riley, what the fuck yourself! She kissed me if you didn't realise!"
Then they both looked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up, embarrassment probably evident on my face. I decided my best chance was to make a run for the bathroom but riley beat me too it. Instead of just blocking me from going inside, he grabbed by arm and pulled us both in there and locked the door behind him.
Well I almost managed to get away with the plan right? I have no idea what's going to happen now though.

AN: sorry it's a bit shorter than usual and it's taken ages but enjoy 😘

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