A New Start

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*Four's POV*

I hear an annoying sound. I open my eyes. Yep. It's my alarm. I grab my phone and switch it off. It's 6:30. I groan and roll out of bed. My father, Marcus, works in the government and recently had to transfer from New York to Chicago which means new school, new people, new everything. I have transferred schools like 10 times since starting. It is my senior year. My dad promised me that we won't move until I graduate from high school. I have an en suite bathroom. I hop into the shower and take a warm shower. I have an hour and half until school starts. I get out the shower and choose a black T - shirt that shows off my abs, black skinny jeans and black vans. I grab my sunglasses and put on my leather jacket. I grab my bag which also happens to be black. I run downstairs to see Hannah, our maid has served breakfast. My father is already sat down, reading the morning paper. I sit down next to him and eat my breakfast.
I grab my bag from the chair next to me, put my sunglasses on as I head out the door I hear my father yell after me "Have a good day at school". I go into the garage, grab my keys and sit in my black jaguar. I put the radio on and drive off. When I get to school, I find a parking spot. I get out and see a lot of people staring at me. Don't want to sound big headed or anything but I am used to it by now.
I make my way to the office to grab my schedule. The lady at the front desk smiles, and asks for my name. "Tobias Eaton, but I go by Four, could you please change my name on it please" I whisper. "Of course Four" she smiles and prints a piece of paper out with my schedule, locker number and combination on it. My locker number is 10, and my combination is 1064.
I look at my schedule:

1. Art - Miss Wu
2. Science - Mrs Matthews
3. English - Mr Smith
4. Gym - Coach Amar
5. Information Tech - Mr Thomas
6. Maths - Mrs Matthews
7. Music - Miss Wu

That's not too hard to remember. I am wondering around the corridors. This is hopeless I am never gonna find my locker. Two guys who look very much alike approach me.

"Hey, are you lost?" The shorter one asks.
"Um. Yeah I can't find my locker for the life of me. This school is like a maze. I'm Four by the way" I reply
"I'm Zeke" the taller one says "This is my brother Uriah, the less attractive version of me" He says. I laugh
"Nice to meet you" I reply with a smile

They lead me towards my locker. I put my combination in. I grab a notepad and a pen out of my bag and put my bag in the locker.

"Let's see your schedule" Uriah asks

I hand it to him

"OMG WE HAVE THE SAME SCHEDULE" Uriah screams whilst jumping up and down. Jeez.
"Is he always like this?" I ask Zeke
"He gets worse than this" he says
"Oh shut up you pansycake" Uriah says.
"What the hell is a pansycake?" I ask Uriah
"It's a different word for wuss" he says
I just nod.

The warning bell rings. Uriah leads me to our first class. Art, I'm not great but I'm not bad at it either. I take a seat next to Uriah at the back of the classroom. The class starts to fill up quickly. That's when the most beautiful girl I've ever seen walks through the door giggling with her friends. She has long strawberry blonde hair that reaches te bottom of her back. She's wearing high waisted jeans and a crop top that shows off her flesh. I realise I was staring. Thank God no one actually noticed. She sits in front of me with her friends. Miss Wu walks in.
"Hi guys, I hope you had a wonder full summer break. I'm Miss Wu but please call me Tori." She says.
"Okay so today we're gonna draw portraits" she hands us a photo each that we have to draw. The bell rings and I have actually managed to draw something decent. I hand my drawing to Tori and walk to my next Science with Uriah.

*Time Lapse to Lunch*

I stand in line with Zeke in front of me and Uriah behind me. I grabbed a burger and coke. We walk past the dessert bit when Uriah throws a plate on my tray. It has what looks like chocolate cake on it.
"Trust me you will thank me one day" Uriah whispers
I pay for my lunch and we sit at a table. I see that blonde girl again. My God she's beautiful. I realise I was staring when. Zeke speaks up
"Don't dream of it, Tris is a popular girl, captain of our cheerleading team and is going out with the "bad boy" of the college. She's a bitch".

"Oh I wasn't gonna try anything anyway." I reply. But it was a lie of course. Surely she isn't a bitch.

That's when a blonde guy approached her and she kisses him on the lips and carries on chatting and giggling. I feel jealous. Surely she can do a lot better than that.

"Yeah she could, he's an asshole. He cheats on her like all the time with Lauren, the slut of our lovely high school. She of course doesn't know" Uriah says

"Was I thinking out loud?" I ask. He nods. I continue "That's awful though, poor girl".

*Time Lapse to last lesson*

I walk into last lesson and there is a seating plan. I go and have a look. Back desk and I am sat next to Tris. Oh. I make my way to my seat. I stare at the door and I see her come through. She looks at the seating plan and seems confused. She glances over my direction and makes her way towards me. She sits down and looks at me.

"I assume you're Four. Strange name" she says

"You must be Tris" I reply. She nods and turns away from me. Well that was weird

I zone out for the rest of the lesson when the bell rings. I head to my car and I make my way home.

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