Everything is Changing

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Tris' POV

I enter my Maths class and realise there is a seating plan. I look at it and apparently I am sat next to somebody called Four. What a weird name. I look in the direction of my seat and I see someone I've never seen before. He has dark brown hair. He is dressed in all black and he has the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. I make my way towards him and sit down.  I look at him and he looks back.
"I assume you're Four. Strange name" I say
"You must be Tris" he replies. I turn my attention back to Mrs Matthews.
Maths is so boring so I text my best friend Christina the whole lesson. She's sat a few tables away from me.

"Who's that next you" - C
"I don't know, his name is Four" - T
"What a weird name, do you think that's his real name?"  - C
"I know right!  And I have no idea"  - T
"He's good looking though" - C
"Hey, you have a boyfriend. But yeah he is quite attractive, but I have Eric" - T
"Seriously? He's a dick you should get rid of him." - C
"I have a strange feeling he's cheating on me with Lauren, ever time we walk past her, he stares at her and she winks at him" - T
"I agree" - C
"Do you want to go shopping after school?" - T
"*Squeal* YES YES YES." -C

I lock my phone and the bell rings. 
I see Four walking out and think Damn he is handsome.
Christina was waiting for me at my locker.  We had to my red Mini Cooper. When we arrive at the mall we walk into a load of shops. I have like 5 bags in each hand and Chris has about double the amount.  She sure loves shopping. We stop at Starbucks and order two caramel creams.
When we finish I drop Chris at home.

I arrive at home and dinner is already on the table I drop my bags and sit down at the dinner table.
"So Beatrice how was your first day being a senior?" My father, Andrew asks. Yes Beatrice is my real name.  Everybody knows but they also know to call me Tris. 
"Oh it was good,  how was your day daddy?" I ask. My father works for the government.
"Same old, same old. Marcus Eaton transferred here and started today he seems nice,  he lives with his son who actually goes to your school. I invited them for dinner tomorrow evening" he says
"Oh really? There was a new boy who sits next to me in Maths" I reply.  Could Four really be Marcus' son? 

After dinner I head upstairs and put my headphones in.  I stare at the ceiling thinking about my relationship with Eric.  Maybe he is cheating on me. I mean we don't really love each other were just going out because we're the two most popular students at school. Maybe I should break up with him.  I take my headphones out and drift off to sleep.

Next Morning
*Tris' POV*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I have cheer practice today, so I may as well just wear my cheer uniform.
I grab my keys to my car and head off to school.
As I pull up in the car park, Chris, Shauna and Mar are already waiting for me.
"Hey guys" I say and we walk into class together.
The whole day is a blur.
It's the end of the school and I have cheer practice. We do our dance routine and at 4 I end the practice explaining that I had a family dinner. Everyone seemed happy to get out an hour early and to be honest I was too. I am rushing to my car when I bump into something or someone. "Hey watch ou-" I stop before I realise who it is.
"Hey Four" I say
"Hey Tris, I have a question to ask you" he says.
"Okay" I reply
"Is Andrew Prior you dad?" He asks, genuinely interested. I nod and give him a smile.
"I guess I'll see you tonight then" he says and winks at me. I blush in response and wave him goodbye.
As I start making my way back towards my car somebody grabs my arm. It's Eric.
"What are you doing talking to that freak?" He asks
"One, he's not a freak;  Two we're over" I spit out the words.
"Oh little miss popular is falling for the stiff?" He asks smirking. Stiff is a word for new student.
"Let go of me, you're hurting my arm" he does as he's told but before he walks away he says "I'm not angry or upset that we've broken up, I didn't love you, I cheated on you and I only went out with you to make myself more popular". I roll my eyes and scream "GOOD". He walks away and I get in my car and drive home.

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