Miami Part 3.

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Tris' POV

Today is our last day in Miami, I'm gonna miss it here, Chicago gets kinda boring. We're currently at the arcade playing bowling, it's quite funny because we're all laughing our heads off at how Uri can't get a strike, we've all been getting strikes, it's couples against couples and so far it's a draw between everyone but Marlene and Uri.
We're leaving at 6 so we can get back in the evening, it's less traffic and it also means we don't have to get up early morning or sleep through the day.
"I'm gonna go and get a drink, do you guys want anything?" I ask everyone.
"Can you grab me a coke please" Shauna asks me. I nod, everyone else still has their first drinks.
I walk over to the bar.
"Can I have two bottles of Cherry Coke please" I ask the lady.
"OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT" I hear somebody shout, I turn around and see that Uri had a strike, the whole group is laughing at how childish he is. The lady at the bar hands me two cokes and I go back to the gang.
Our game is finished now and we're all even, except Uriah and Marlene.
"Guys we should go and pack" Lynn says.
"Yeah" we all say in unison.


I dropped everybody off at their house and I am just pulling up outside my house.
"Home sweet home" I say to Tobias.
"Yep, I'm exhausted" he says yawning.
"Do you want to stay the night?" I ask him.
"Sure" he replies.
I get out of the car and open the boot. I grab my suitcase and my backpack and head for the door,
I quietly open it thinking my parents are asleep but instead they're sat in the living room watching TV.
"Oh sweetie you're home" my mother says running up to me.
"Hey mum, is it okay if Tobias stays over tonight?" I ask her.
"Oh yes of course honey, hi Tobias" she says.
"Well we're off to bed, so tired from all the driving" I say and with that I grab my suitcase and take it upstairs. As I enter my room I quickly change into my pyjamas and flop on the bed.
Tobias is already under the covers as I climb under them, he pulls me close and kisses me goodnight.
Soon we are both in dream world.

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