New Day, New Me

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Tris' POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Memories from yesterday come flooding back as I lay in bed grinning to myself like an idiot. I head for the shower and decide to dress a little different today. I throw on a leather skirt and a black top, I leave my hair down and I apply natural makeup.
"Are you ready Caleb?" I ask my brother.
"Wow, that's a first, you're ready before me" He says laughing. I playfully punch his arm and tell him to shut up.
We walk to my car.
As we arrive I spot Tobias.
I get out of my car and walk over to him.
"Hey" I say smiling
"You're alright?" He asks, I nod.



My last lesson was with Tobias and his friends Zeke and Uriah. I walk to my friends and they look at me in shock.
"Hey guys, meet my new friends Zeke, Uri and Four" I say they all mumble a hello and get back to their lunches.
I sit between Chris and Tobias. My phone pings and I realise Chris has messaged me.
"Ooh, you and Four ;)" C
"Sh yeah? Our dad's work together and he came round for dinner last night and we kissed and omg I never felt like that before, I mean I've only known him for a few days but omg" T
The only thing i think about is the kiss, it was different to all the other ones I had before, this was special. After lunch I rush to class only to realise that I have to sit next to Tobias. I do feel slightly awkward to see him today so I am trying to avoid him at all costs, which is not exactly working seen as I am sat right next to him. I zone out for the whole lesson and as soon as the bell rings I grab my book and bolt out of class. I am pacing to my locker when somebody grabs my arm.
I turn around to see Tobias standing there. I am drowning in his beautiful eyes, he clicks his fingers in front of my face.
"Tris, earth to Tris" he says.
"Sorry what?" I say. He let's out a laugh.
"So I was thinking" he starts. Oh no here if goes.
"Would you do the honour of going on a date with me?" He asks scratching the back of his head. Well that's certainly not what I expected.
"I'd love to" I say smiling.
"I'll text you" he says and walks away.

The rest of the day is a blur.

When I arrive at home I walk in to the kitchen to see my mum.
"Afternoon mummy" I say in a singsong voice running the tap for some water.
"Who are you and what have you done to my daughter" she laughs.
"Haha very funny, I just had a great day, by the way I got an A in Maths" I say.
"Does your happiness have anything to do with a certain someone? And that's brilliant how did you manage that?" She asks winking at me.
"Yes and Tobias helped me" I reply smiling. "Ooh Tris is in love" she says.
"I am not, I've known him for like 2 days, but we are going on a date" I say with a grin on my face.
"Oh my god that's great" she says.
I walk up the stairs and lay on my bed and let out a huge sigh and I start grinning again. He has me wrapped up around his finger and I've known him for 2 days. What is this life?

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