Amazing wedding speech (N+M)

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"I'm Malik. The grooms, amazing, little brother and best man... Mateo and I are best friends. Two peas in a pod."

"Now I'm gonna go back... way back when my mutism was horrible, I was still being homeschooled and Mateo just started high school," Malik says into the mic

"Oh god," Mateo groans next to me and I squeeze his hand

"I was 11 and Mateo was 14. For about a week Mateo would tell me about this girl in his english class. So one day, I decided to record our conversation and I did it every year, leading up to yesterday," Malik tells

He holds his phone up to the microphone before saying "This is 14 year old Mateo,"

Then a softer less deep version of Mateo's voice plays throughout the whole venue.

"Malik! Oh, there you are. Let me tell you about today... Nyla was late to class, which is unusual, so I was a bit worried, but she came and apparently she had an orthodontist appointment," There's some shuffling before it stops and he continues

"This is her. This is our whole class, but that's her. See how beautiful she is?" Malik pause's the recording

"He had a heart around her head, like if we were in a movie," Malik exposes and everyone coos

"I did not!" My husband objects

"Yes you did. Don't lie," Malik narrows his eyes before continuing the recording.

"She was talking about a book with her friends, but none of her friends were listening. She looked disappointed and I wanted to go up to her and tell she could tell me all about it. I don't read much, but for her I will," The recording stops and another one starts

This time Mateo's voice is a bit deeper.

"I didn't think we'd have english together again and we have math together which makes me really nervous. She smiled at me, Malik! Fucking smiled! It's so beautiful. Those dimples and freckles. She also got her braces off, which she still looks beautiful with or without, but she's just perfect... Everyone was telling us about what they did this summer and she went back to New York, where she's from, and fed the homeless with her dad. No one our age does that, Malik. She's the nicest person ever, I swear... And her shoes! She has the new Jordans! Nyla is perfect. Absolutely perfect,"

I look up at Mateo and he blushes, hiding his head in my neck. I chuckle, still holding his hand.

Another recording starts and the voice that was similar to grade 12 Mateo plays.

"Remember how I told you Nyla only posts her art and books on her socials? Well she just posted a picture of her at the beach."

"Are you breathing ok?" The soft voice of Malik comes through

"No, Malik, I'm not! You know I never look at her in that way, and you know that just her personality alone makes it hard for me to breathe so imagine how hard it is for me to breathe seeing her in a fucking bikini. She's a walking goddess," young Mateo stresses

"I was not a walking goddess. Grade 11 me was the worst year ever," I whisper to Mateo

he shakes his head before kissing my cheek, "You know good and well I did and don't give a fuck."

"This one is the day Mateo and Nyla formally met and also the reason why we're here," Malik says before another recording starts.

"we were partnered together for our final project. Had to sit next to her all day and try and keep calm," The voice I remember clearly. It was the first time I ever heard him speak. The voice the I always want to hear before I go to sleep. The voice I can't live without.

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