Chapter 25

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*Rima's POV*

"Left, right, left, right, spin, toss and land," Nagi said as he twirled me and I landed gracefully on my feet in the first position of ballet which is where the balls of my feet are turned out completely and my heels touch each other and the feet face out. Since I didn't have to use my crutches anymore and my ankle didn't hurt anymore, Nagi and I can practice better.

"How about you twirl me close to you and we end it like that," I said.

"Great," he said as he grabbed my hand and twirled me towards him. I leaned back on him and he had both his arms wrapped around me. All the charas clapped and cheered.

"That was beautiful," Temari cheered with stars in her eyes.

"It looked like so much fun! I wanna dance," Kusukusu said. She grabbed Rhythm's hands and twirled around in circles with him. Temari and Kazumi giggled since Rhythm was practically dragging him.

"I think we have a good system. We can clean it up a bit tomorrow. It's already...5:30?!" Nagi said shocked. Him and I worked all day today. I can't believe we danced through lunch. Today was Saturday so we had another full day of dance tomorrow but at least tomorrow night I get to go home. I'm having fun but, for the first time in years, I miss home. Nagi told me about what his mom told him that this world will get worse and that the embryo was found many years ago.

"Is Nagi and Rima-tan in here?"

"Ace you need to be quiet."


"Guys shut up or they'll hear us. I want to see them dance," we heard voices in the hall.

"Is that...Yaya?" I asked a bit shocked. I haven't seen her since the water park, Kairi too. The door burst open to reveal everyone's favorite candy-loving sophomore, Yaya. Kairi was behind her.

"Yaya-chan, we always knock before entering," Nagi scolded her.

"Rima-tan! Nagi!" Yaya yelled as she ran to up and began chocking us with a hug.

"Nice to see you too Yaya-chan," Nagi said. I would've said something except that I couldn't breathe.

"Yaya! Her face is turning purple!" Amu said. Luckily, Kairi managed to get her off. I gasped loudly for air.

"Sorry Rima-tan but Yaya found out today that Rimahiko is alive," Yaya cheered.

"We were informed today that you two were an item. We called earlier for all of us to come see you but your mother said you two were busy dancing but invited us over for dinner," Kairi informed us.

"Great, if you all follow me then we can eat soon," Nagi said. He held my hand as he led. Our friends followed. I noticed Tadase still wasn't here which means he must still be sick with mono. I noticed that Kukai wrapped his arm around Utau, Yaya was clinging to Kairi's arm, and AMU WAS HOLDING IKUTO'S HAND IN THE VERY BACK! I need to talk to her later. Nagi knocked on the door that I knew was the dining room.

"Come in," we heard. It was Mrs. Fujisaki. Nagi opened the door and all of us came in.

"Were you surprised by your guests," Mrs. Fujisaki asked.

"Yes I was mother," Nagi said.

"I have some guests of my own," Mrs. Fujisaki said. The other door leading to the dining room opened to reveal four adults we weren't expecting.

"Mom?!" Amu and I said surprised. The very first guardians were all here.

"Dad?!" Utau yelled while Ikuto barely whispered. I forgot Ikuto never found his father in Europe so he and Utau haven't seen him in a long time.

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