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Chapter Eleven
You're So Weird

Chapter Eleven You're So Weird

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3rd Person POV

Thena fell asleep with Elisia , she had her arms wrapped around her with Elisias head on her chest and her legs around hers. Thena let it happen. When she woke up, she got dressed and left a note for Elisia as she kissed her forehead and walked out. She got on her bike and looked at her phone to see texts from Elisia

"Where are you, you're not home?" Was the first text she read and she replied

"Elisias , she needed us remember?" She texted back and she walked into the school. She leaned on the wall again and waited for rowan or hailey or hell even Brandon to annoy her

"Thena madden on the wall again" Brandon said loudly with his hands around his mouth and thena shook her head with a smile on her face

"stop that you're so weird" she said shaking her head and he smiled brighter

"oh she's smiling while talking me, that's surprising" he said and she shoved his shoulder

"dont get used to it b" she said before catching herself

"first letter , wow this is crazy" he exclaimed and she sighed shaking her head

"okay I have to go" she said and she walked off , she went to her first class and then skipped second. She then remember the book and found a locker combo

"bingo" she said but she knew it couldn't be Brandon's, he's not that stupid. Trevor's, Sean's?

She went to Sean's and it clicked. She opened it and saw the mask. She drew in a breathe and then closed the locker as she walked away and went in the direction of Brandon's locker. She waited until she saw Brandon, Trevor and Sean walk into the science room and she followed

she saw Trevor dangling a mouse over the snake and closed the door as Brandon looked at it

"hey Brandon" she said and Trevor made eye contact

"Look who it is" Trevor said and thena flipped him off

"I'm talking to Darrow" She stated

"is he your boyfriend?" Trevor asked and thena scoffed

"what do you want?" Sean asked

"Watch it" Brandon whispered

"we need to work on our project at your house" She said and he shook his head

"no" he said and she raised an eyebrow

"I thought you said whenever I was free" she said and Trevor interrupted

" Oh dude don't do that because you know her last boyfriend not only was he shared between her and Rowan head off himself because she was such a bitch" Trevor said and Brandon licked his lips in annoyance

" Yeah and your last mom had to sleep with someone else to get rid of you shut the fuck up Trevor Brandon your house" Thena said and Sean chuckled under his breathe as Trevor shut up

" Do it yourself Thena it's not that hard" Brandon said and thena nodded

" Right yeah OK thanks Darrow" she said making it known that it wasn't his first name and he drew in a breathe

" Hey Trevor you got a little mommy issues right on your face I'll see you later" Thena said and she went to walk out

" And I think you might have a little blood on your face now go cry to your perfect parents" Trevor said and thena went to walk out

" Chill out chill out" Brandon said and thena stopped by the door to watch him take the mouse out of the cage and hold it. She smiled at him and she walked out. Leaving everything behind, she didn't notice the smile on his face

She rode her bike home. She found his dad and mom sitting on the couch looking at the picture she had of Dunbar

"you went through my stuff?" She asked and her mother stood up

"this isn't okay baby, this boy caused you some serious issues" Her mother said and she nodded

"and I know that mama but he killed himself in front of me and I don't know why it was me" she said and her mom nodded as she wrapped her arms around her and her father came over

"have you been going to your sessions lately?" He asked and she shook her head softly against his chest

"I just haven't had the time" she whispered and he nodded as he continued to hold her

"I'll starry bringing you again" he said and she nodded not fighting the thought. she didn't want to , she knew she needed help

She went to her bedroom and she laid on her floor staring at the ceiling. She heard her phone but she let it ring. She left it on her bed ringing , not once did she pick it up or care. She couldn't force herself too

her phone finally buzzed and she stood up seeing a text from a hauntedhawk. She opened it and saw her house

"We're always watching" the text read and she locked her window and her room door as well as closed her curtains. She kept her tv on all night

she hated this more than anything



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