🗣️Telling Family🗣️

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TW: Slight homophobia

Type: Angst

Luke fumbled with his sweaty palms, tapping his feet on the hard gravel. Today was the day. Today he was going to tell his parents that he was in a relationship with Zander.

He had already came out to them as pansexual; they weren't the most accepting but they still loved him. They had always wanted him to get a girlfriend despite his sexuality letting him choose multiple options, but it seems as though his parents forgot that.

"Are you ready, babe?" Zander asked as he stepped out the door.

"Yeah..." Luke sighed, looked at the ground.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." The pianist grabbed his hands and rubbed them gently with his thumb. "You'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen?"

"They could kick me out." The brunette said, half joking.

Zander frowned, "I'm sure that won't happen!" He kissed his cheek before grabbing on to his arm and walking forward, "C'mon."

Luke sighed, following his boyfriend down the road to his house. Luke and Zander lived pretty close, so it was only a short walk.

"You ok?" Zander said, rubbing his arm whilst walking.

Luke didn't reply, he just kept looking at the ground.

"Babe?" Zander stopped walking, causing Luke to follow his actions. "Are you ok?"

The brunette sighed, half smiling, "I'm just nervous. Nothing to worry about." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I know, I'm nervous too. Heck, I was terrified when we told my parents about us!" The grape tried comforting his lover.

"Yeah, I know, but when I came out to my parents as pan, they didn't have the best reaction." The drummer looked down again. "I think they tried to make me seem more straight by trying to get me a girlfriend..."

Zander's face suddenly turned a tad more pissed than before. "Well. If they don't accept you then screw them." He crossed his arms.

"Yeah but they are my parents." Luke looked into Zander's beautiful lavender eyes. "I still love them."

"I know, Lukey. I know."

As they kept walking, Luke started to get even more nervous than before. They were almost there and he could feel his heart beating fast.

As they arrived, Luke opened the door with his key. His parents didn't know that the real reason Luke had came with Zander was because he was going to tell them about their relationship. They thought they were just going to have a nice dinner with their son and his 'friend'.

Just then, Luke's mom came up to the young couple. She gave Luke a small side hug and greeted him. Then she turned to the shorter boy.

"Oh, Zander! We haven't seen you in a long time! Welcome!" She said smiling widely. She had the same brown hair as Luke with the same golden honey eyes, though she was a lot shorter than Luke, but still a tiny bit taller than Zander.

The pianist smiled awkwardly, "Hi." He said simply.

Then they all heard a deep voice.

"Luke, is that you?" It called.

It was his dad. He came up to them and looked at his son, then held his hand out for Zander. The pianist took it and shook his hand. "Hello, Zander." He said with little emotion in his voice, more like he was reading off a script.

"Hey..." Zander replied.

"Well, dinner's ready! Let's go and eat." His mom said, walking into the small kitchen.

The four sat at the dining table and dug into their food.

Luke was fiddling with the end of the tablecloth, to which Zander noticed and took his hand. He gave a small smile and rubbed his hand gently. "It'll be okay." He mouthed.

"So, Luke, still haven't got a girlfriend I imagine?" His dad said, pouring himself a glass of water.

Luke gulped. This only made him more nervous. "Uh, w-well..." He started.

His mom looked excited. She thought Luke had a girlfriend. "Oh, you do?!" She asked.

The brunette looked at her and sighed, fiddling with his sweaty palms. "Uh, um...n-no...but...."

His parents looked at him with confused looks on their faces. "But...?" His mom asked.

Zander decided to help his boyfriend and stood up. "Actually," he said nervously, "He's dating me." 

Everyone froze, awkward silence filled the room. Luke looked more anxious and both his and Zander's faces went completely red.

The pianist sat down, about to say something before Luke's mom interrupted.

"Luke." She said sternly, her cheerful mood from before fading away, "You know how we feel about you dating boys." She paused, looking her son straight in the eyes, "You know how much we wanted you to have a girlfriend! Not a boyfriend! You're a boy for heaven's sake!"

Luke looked away, waiting for his dad to say something, but he didn't. He just simply stood up and left the room.

Zander looked furious. He grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him up so they were both standing. "YOU DONT GET TO DECIDE FOR HIM!" He shouted, his rage showing. He didn't mean to sound so rude, or loud... He cleared his throat, blush covering his cheeks, "He can date whoever he wants!"

Luke's mom stood up, looking at the couple.  "Well, I understand." She said before continuing. "But I am very disappointed in you, Luke." She walked away into the kitchen with her husband.

Zander turned his lavender gaze towards his lover. "Hey, you ok, Lukey?" He put his hands on his shoulders, lightly massaging them.

The drummer sighed, smiling lightly at the grape. "Yeah, I'm ok. Thank you." He said.

"For what?" Zander asked, looking into Luke's golden eyes.

"For being brave. Helping me to tell my parents." He kissed his cheek quickly, making sure his parents didn't see.

The pianist smiled, pulling Luke into a hug. "You're very welcome."

They shared a sweet smile before pecking eachother on the lips. But just as they did, Luke's parents came back in and saw it.

"LUKE." His dad shouted. "YOU DO NOT, I REPEAT, NOT DO THAT IN MY HOUSE!" He scolded.

His mom had a very similar expression on her face, shaking her head in disappointment at her son.

The two boys looked petrified, backing away from eachother.

"Zander I think we should leave." Luke grabbed his boyfriend's hand and ran out the door.

"HOW DARE THEY!" Zander shouted, his expression suddenly turning more sad before saying, "You never told me your parents were homophobic."

"W-well, they're not homophobic, per say. They'd just rather me date girls." Luke looked away.

Zander sighed, "Well that's just bullcrap."

After a few minutes, the front door opened. Luke's mom standing on the other side. She looked a lot calmer than before.

"Listen." She spoke. "Luke, I'm not happy with your choice, but, I still love and adore you. And so does your father, we've been talking it over and he agrees with me."

Luke sighed, looking at his mom. "O-ok, I love you too, mom." He walked over and hugged her, to which she returned the gesture.

Zander stared at them, still not satisfied with their response to his and Luke's relationship.

"Well." He said walking over to Luke. "I think me and Luke are gonna go to my place."

The brunette smiled before looking at his mom for permission. She nodded and the two boys walked back to Zander's house, hand in hand, but making sure they were out of Luke's mom's view before doing so.

The end! Hope you enjoyed this one!
(The emoji for the title was really hard to pick and it looks kinda stupid)

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