lost in space

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"Apollo-23 ready for launch."
"T-minus 10....9......8....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1.....liftoff"
To whoever this may concern, though there's nothing much to be concerned.

Hello, my name is George Osborne. I was one of the two men set off for space during the Apollo-23's launch.

Surprise surprise, I'm currently lost in space.

Thinking back on it, the scientists were oddly nervous about the launching of Apollo-23. Perhaps there was an erro inn their calculation somewhere in those 100000 page long calculations of theirs?

Anyways, I'm very much in deep shit right now and could use some help.

Unfortunately, as you could already tell, I have no way to communicate with home base, motherland earth right now.

Additionally, my partner is out cold right now. Maybe he's dead? I've got no clue.

To make matters worse, the lights have gone out. Oxygen probably running out too.

Which is why, I decided to write a short diary!

Very short in fact, considering the oxygen will be out in another 2 days.

Just lovely.

I'm seriously considering chucking my partner out the airlock right now.

I mean, he's just lying there taking up precious oxygen, he probably won't even survive anyways, so no harm done.

I'll decide with a coin flip.

Just kidding, you can't flip coins in space. And I don't have a coin anyways.

Guess I'll wait it out.


Its been 2 hours since we lost communications with earth, my buddy hasn't woken up.

I tried checking his heartbeat and its totally not moving.

Anyways I chucked him out the space ship.

I think he twitched a little, must be my imagination.

Thanks to his very noble sacrifice, you random readers will get 2 more days of diary content!!!

I hope you're looking forward to it.


Im bored




You like what I did there?

I spaced out my words to hide the fact that I'm actually running out of ideas for diary entries.

Now don't you yell at me for not bringing ten paragraphs of new content for you.

There's nothing to do in this spaceship other than sitting around in boredom watching the oxygen go down by a bar.

Oh look another bar.


Time for storytime with George the spaceman.

Today, I will be telling you guys a reaaaaally scary story.

So terrifying in fact, that I flinch at the thought of it.

Now to tell you the truth.

This story might not be as it seems.

Here it is.

"There was once a child, a very jolly kid. A mischevious young lad he was.

He loved playing dangerous games with his little buddies all the time.

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