Mnemosyne/Moneta= Memory, Knowledge. Inventor of language and Words

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—Genetic Memory: Able to unlock and use any skills, abilities, and knowledge of their ancestors.
—Memory Interface: Can travel through their memories and experience them from whatever viewpoint they want.
—Sky Swayer: since their mother is a direct descendant of Ouranos/Uranus, they can Can create/generate and manipulate weather and any sky-based phenomenon. Able to summon and control any kind of weather system on a massive scale, but will be weaker underground. This ability is naturally weaker than their possible demigod uncles and aunties from Ouranos/Uranus
—Mind Shifter: Has complete and total control over their brain, all its parts, and their mind. They can kinetically accelerate/decelerate all/any parts of their brain/mind, temporarily free themselves from any mental limiters, and can control and manipulate their neuro-psyche, the gateway between the mental and physical plane, which gives the user endless psionic potential.
—Psychometry: Can see the history and memories of anyone and anything they touch on command. Can only see memories of those mentally weaker than them. It's way more difficult to see someone else memories when there's no consent.
—Sky Sense: Able to sense, see with, and perceive any sky-related phenomena, allowing them to perceive reality on a deeper level than nearly anyone and anything. This ability is naturally weaker than their possible demigod uncles and aunties from Ouranos/Uranus
—Language Lieutenant: Able to speak the language of anyone they touch and/or any language of their ancestors.
—Reboot: Able to cause any creature short term memory loss.
—Memory Of Infinity: They remember EVERYTHING in their lives. Plus the memories they gain from their environment.
—Skill Chameleon: Can copy any skill they see just once with perfect accuracy.
—Mental Physical Synergy: Able to enhance the synergy between the mind and body, boosting all types of movement that can accomplish.
—Muscle Memory Manipulation: Able to manipulate their muscle memory to use the combined nexus of physical attributes from ALL their ancestors at once on command. Or match anyone or anything they touch, allowing them to permanently gain the ability to enhance any or all Physical attributes IF they touch someone or something with superhuman physical abilities. They bodies will feel the same strain as the creature they got it from.
—Hypercognition: Their minds works as fast, if not faster than a super computer and can execute various thought processes at once, exactly like other intellectual-based demigods. (A/NPrometheus, Athena/Minerva, Techne/Tekne, etc)
—Memory Bank: Can store any objects from reality into their memories and pull them out when they see fit.
—Mathematician: Able to see the equations, calculations, statistics, variables, and math of everything.
—Illusions Of Memory: Able to create and control illusions based on the memories and past of other creatures. Overuse of this power will put a strain on the users mind until the users stops.
—Tech Translator: Can "communicate" with technology, machinery, and electronics of any kind by speaking to them verbally, telepathically, and/or direct contact. Also able to create, understand, manipulate, perceive, radio, electronic, and digital transmissions.
—Memory Maker: Able to alter memories of other creatures and/or make new ones any living creature. Noticing these memories depends on how mentally strong you are. Overuse of this ability will result in temporary mental and physical strain.
—Physical Confusion: Able to make others forget how to move, paralyzing then temporarily.
—Sky Sultan: Are more powerful in the sky, able to use the the physical attributes and special abilities/powers of any flying creature, shapeshift into them fully, partially, or as a swarm with regenerative powers, and can use sky magic of any kind. This ability is naturally weaker than their possible demigod uncles and aunties from Ouranos/Uranus
—Psionic Potential: After mastering mind shifting, they have the potential to use any psionically-based ability possible. The amount of potential psionic abilities that can be used at once depends on the user's mental strength. Head injuries can stunt psionic powers temporarily and the more psionic power the user is using, the longer their psyche will need to recover when hit. Overexertion will cause headaches.
—Reality Reload: Able to "copy and paste" anything from their memories into reality and control them. It's not an illusion or fake in anyway, it's the EXACT same as the original, it just submits to the users will. This power has the biggest mental strain on the user, but it will become more tolerable the more it is used.
—Supernatural Speaker: Able to "communcate" with nature and all it's parts by speaking their languages, enabling them to control animals, control any of the natural forces to some extent, control plants of any kind to some extent, and use certain types of magic that only require knowing the language.
—Bio Clock: Once they gain a good feel for time, Their subconscious creates it's own clock that can adjust itself depending on location and can never be disrupted.
—Lethal Lethe: Can make targets forget whatever the user wants through touch. Downside is the user has to relive the memories themselves as the person they're from in a time compress dream later on.
—Curing Amnesia: Can revive the memories of those who lost or had them taken.
—Intellect Increase: All their powers and abilities become more powerful the smarter they become.
—Memory Mincer: Able to infuse memories into weapons so that any creature cut with said weapon will relive the memory mentally from whatever viewpoint the user sees fit.
—Victorius Confusion: if they win, their opponents will not remember any powers the user used, only who their godly parent is.
—Sky Surge: Can levitate/fly, enhance their physical attributes and mental abilities on command, and gain total supremacy over their bodies by manipulating vibrations and any of the human-to-sky-correlating phenomena, meaning any sky-based phenomena that is made of or powered by the same materials as the human body (Ex: charged particles of any kind, water, ice, air, vapor, etc), in their bodies, allowing them to manipulate all it's bodily capabilities, such as systematic, autonomous, physiological, or biological capabilities, and any/all physical attributes, and perceive and absorb all/any natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off as well as access and manipulate their own, especially sky-related ones like bodily vibrations of all kinds, bio-electricity, charged particles, bodily fluids, and much, much, much more. Over output and reckless use of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely.
—Word Welder: Can alter, transmutate, manipulate, and enchant anything they write on. (A/N: writing 'burn' on a piece of paper will cause the paper to burst into flames, writing 'harder than steel' on glass with make it harder than steel, or writing 'fatser than a cheetah' on themselves or someones legs will allow them to run at 80 mph, etc.)

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