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"Max is doing it. Everything I've been seeing."

Dean was driving their way to Miller's house again to stop Max from killing his stepmother. Now they all found out that Max is the reason the whole time. Karina's senses were right about it wanting revenge, and his actions were strange due to what she was seeing when he talked to them. Dean was the opposite of that topic.

"You sure about this?"

"Yeah, I saw him."

"How's he pulling it off?"

"I don't know. It looked like telekinesis."

Karina comes over to the front to look at Sam, "It makes sense with that. Engine running, the window coming down on Roger."

"What so he's psychic, a spoon bender?"

"I didn't even realize it, but this whole time he was there. He was outside the garage when his Dad died, outside the apartment when his Uncle died. These visions, this whole time-- I wasn't connecting to the Millers. I was connecting to Max. The thing I don't get is why guys. I guess because we're so alike?"

Karina shook her head, "Are you insane? He's not you. He's nothing like you, Sam."

"We both have psychic abilities. We're both--"

Karina glared at him, interrupting him, "Both what? Monsters? No. He is."

"She's right. Max is a monster. He killed two people. Now he's gunning for a third."

"With what he went through-- the beatings-- to want revenge on those people-- I'm sorry, guys, but it doesn't sound insane."

Dean yelled, "Yeah, but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family."


"He's no different than anything else we've hunted. All right? We got to end him."

Dean stopped the car in front of the house, and Sam turned to Dean after what he said. "We're not gonna kill Max."

"Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say, "Lock him up, officer. He kills with the power of his mind.'"

"No way. Forget it."

Karina looked at Sam, eyes widened, "Sam..."

"Karina, he's a person. We can talk to him. I get you don't feel anything for him, but at least you understand. You would do the same thing if it's me."

"Well, that's because you're a case, Sam. I have to look after you and your brother. We're killing him, that's final."

Karina leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. Sam scoffed and looked at Dean. "Dean, don't listen to her. We have to talk to him. Promise me you guys will go on my lead with this one."

Dean looked at Karina first, all she did was pull her hands up. He looked again at Sam, thinking for a long moment. "All right, fine. But I'm-" Dean pointed at Karina and him, "We are not letting him hurt anybody else."

Dean grabbed his gun from the glove compartment and he got out of the car. Sam looked at Karina in the back, readied with her blade to kill Max. Her face was cold and blank, staring at Sam for a while. Then she gets out of the car, following Dean. Sam saw two people walking to the house, following his lead.

Karina kicked the front door aside, letting all of her team enter the house. They all saw Max in tears, and Ms. Miller in the kitchen, close to happening in Sam's visions. Ms. Miller's face was confused by their outburst in her home alone with Max.

"Fathers? Sister?"

The door slammed by itself by the strong force of Karina's kick. Max looked at the three of them, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

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