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The next morning, Jay died on the movie stage while the trio was burning the corpse. The connection doesn't add up. They were taking in the sight of the crime scene while Sam informed Dean and Karina, "Run-in with a giant fan. Same thing happened to an electrician back in '66-- a guy named Billy Beard."

Dean exclaimed, "What the hell, guys?"

"I don't know. It doesn't seem like Elise this time."

"We already torched her. Are we dealing with another ghost?"

"Or it's the ghosts of Breakfast Club?" asked Karina.

"Yeah, but these things don't usually tag-team."

"You learn something new every day, Dean."

Outside of the studio, McG exited his car. He began gathering his cast and crew members in the middle of the lot. He made an announcement, "Everybody! Huddle in! In light of Jay's accident last night and in cooperation with the authorities, we're shutting down production for a few days."

"Halle-friggin-ujah..." Sam, Karina, and Dean shared intrigued looks together.

"I know, I know. Look, I'm not going to lie to you, we've had a few setbacks this week. But we all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything... and that was to see Hell Hazers II: The Reckoning on screens all across America!" The trio stared at the director, slightly amused. "Now, we owe it to them to go on and to pull together and make this damn movie, huh?"

Everyone cheered while Sam and Karina put on the fakest smiles while they clapped. The director calmed them down, "But-but-but-but not-- not today. Go home. Someone will call you."


"It's like rewatching Friday the 13th all over again, Sammy."

Sam Winchester and Karina Leone were sitting on the couch. Literally bored out of their minds by watching the low-rated horror movie. Dean Winchester entered the trailer, grabbing a drink.


"Hey. So, you find out where the electrician's buried?"

"He wasn't. Billy Beard was cremated."

Karina lamely responded, "Brilliant... Now what?"

Dean took a seat on the arm of the couch, "No idea. Any more ghost cameos in the dailies?"

"Not in the first six hours." Sam continued, "You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie because they think it sucks... 'Cause,  I mean, it kind of does."

The next scene came when they were in the cabin, Tara was reading Latin. Karina noticed on the screen the sound and its language. She grabbed the remote out of Sam's hand, and rewind the tape. She sat up from the couch, listening closely. "Listen to the invocation. Boys, that is real... a necromantic summoning ritual."

Sam asked, "What the hell is that doing in a Hollywood movie?"

Sam, Dean, and Karina visited the office of the writer, Marty. He was on the phone with someone when he saw three people by his doorway. He finished the call as he looked at them, confused. "Guys, we're all shut down. What are you still doing here?"

"Yeah... sorry, man. We couldn't help ourselves. We just had to tell you that we read the script."


Sam struggled with his words, "Yeah... It's awesome."

Dean repeated, "Awesome."

Karina inferred, "Really awesome."

Marty smiled and nodded at them, "I know, it's pretty rockin' right? I'm glad you guys liked it."

"Yeah, I really liked all the attention to detail."

Karina commented, "Lots of details."

"Dude, right on, that's my thing. Color me guilty, but that is me. I'm a total detail buff."

"No kidding!! The way you worked in those Enochian summoning rituals and all the authentic language, I'm not even surprised."

His smile faded as he asked, "What, you mean that Latin crap? No... that's Walter. Walter Dixon, the original writer. You like that garbage?"

Dean inferred, "Wait, Walter-- the P.A. Walter?"

"No, he's not a P.A. He's got a clause in his contract that allows him to come on set."

"But he wrote the invocations?"

"He made a wack-job screenplay. There's no pace, there's no love interest, and it's all wackadoo exposition. I had to cut, like 90% of it to make it readable, the other 10% to make it good."

After the meeting with Marty, the first thing they did was read Walter's old script of the movie, Lord of the Dead. They were sitting on the chairs together behind the set. Dean commented on the reading, "Should have kept Walter's original script. It's actually pretty good."

Karina crossed her legs, sitting with the Winchesters. She turned to her right, "You know why it's good? Because there is a full-on manual ritual showing how to  summon the ghosts and do whatever you pleased them to do."

"Yeah, like kill people."


Sam dropped the script beside him, putting his hands behind his head. Leaning back as he said a few words to them. "So, let's say somewhere down the line, Walter learned some pretty black magic."

Dean turned to Sam, "Yeah. And let's say he's pissed at these people for wrecking his movie."

"Motive and means."

"It's worth checking out."


Well, Walter crashed the talisman on purpose and got himself killed. Yes, reader, you read that correctly. The next day, Marty had an idea for a new scene in the movie. Using the same incident that happened to him last night. Shooting rock salt bullets and ghost cameras.

Sam and Karina were watching the performance of the scene, they were both cringed. Karina couldn't stay one minute, she exited the studio. Sam looked down at Marty who was enjoying the movie from his writing. "You find out there was an afterlife, and this is what you do with it?"

"I needed a little jazz on the page."

Sam nodded as he followed Karina's steps out of the studio.

Sam Winchester and Karian Leone were walking together among the trailers. They were chatting as they smiled and laughed until one of the trailer's doors opened. Revealing Dean Winchester smirking as he put his jacket on. He looked at Sam and Karina by his side. When Tara Benchley appeared by the doorway in a robe, smiling seductively to Dean. "You're one hell of a P.A."

"Thank you."

Tara noticed Sam and Karina, "Hi..."

They were shocked and awed by the fact Dean just had sex with Tara Benchley moments ago. They all walked away when Dean grabbed the burrito on the way as Karina was smiling at Sam's furrowed face, looking between Tara and Dean. She still had a smile as she looked at them.

The sunrise appeared to them as they walked, and the sprinkle of rain began pouring. Their usual positions, their posture of walking toward the distance featured the three in one. Backstage the sunset moved aside for them as they made their dramatic exit as a trio. Concluded.

"God, I love this town."

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