Accepting feelings

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I feel like my writing is really bad in this fic idk why.Tell me if you like it and how to improve! Its Carlos's pov first.Anyways carlos is accepting his feelings for you oooo~||

I woke up in a daze.Somebody was shouting my name.cArLoS CaRlOs it was annoying."What?!" I yelled  from my bed.Suddenly Dolores came in my room."Oh you're here...." she spoke."Where else would I fucking be?!" I asked her in an annoyed tone."I thought you were awake and downstairs." She mumbled."Yeah just get out of my room!" I demanded.Dolores covered her ears and ran out my room.I sighed and got up.Another boring day.

I walked into the kitchen to see y/n talking to tia.okkk maybe today wouldnt be so boring afterall.I smirked as as I pushed her aside.

-Y/n's pov-

I was talking to Julieta when suddenly I felt someone push my aside.I saw carlos in front of me."Ow what the heck was that for?!" I complained.Julieta was telling him to apoligise but he wasn't paying attention."Oh nothing.I cant talk to my aunt now?" He still had a stupid smirk on.

"Of course you can! Just dont push me!" I grumbled."It was funny though.You find me funny too." He was talking about dinner the other day.Julieta raised an eyebrow but just walked away.i couldnt blame her.

I scoffed and just tried to get away but Carlos grabbed me by the waist."Leaving so soon?~" He teased.I felt myself blushing and smacked his hand off.Thank god nobody was around."Im not going anywhere I um just....."."Y/n!" I saw Camilo run to me and hug me.I gasped in suprise.

"Was carlos bothering you?" He pulled away and glared at carlos and he looked back at Camilo with an angry expression."No no! Of course not!" I assured him."Good....." Camilo placed his thumb on my cheek.I then saw carlos pull him away."Yeah yeah.Now that you're done with him y/n, can we spend some time together?" He asked.Camilo looked so close to punching him.

"He's tricking you for his own enjoyment. Y/n don't go! It's a prank!" The boy with the yellow  rauna said."Im not like that! Stop spreading lies about me!" Carlos spat.Oh no they were fighting."Guys calm down! Fine Carlos I will go with you but only for a bit." I tried to calm them down.He looked satisfied hearing this.

He teased Camilo before me and him went out the Casita."Why did you ask me to hang out with you?" I asked.

-Carlos's Pov-

Beacause I love you. I so desperately  wanted to say but no....not yet.I had to admit I had feelings for her. I just wouldn't confess them. It was odd ME? Carlos madrigal? In love? It seemed like a weird wattpad story.(Stop breaking the 4th wall. That didn't happen okay) "Don't know. Just wanted to get away from that jerk." I said instead."That's a bit mean. He's your brother!" She told me."So much for being a brother." I mumbled."What was that?" She tilted her head.I was going crazy for this girl.

"Nothing. Let's just go.If anyone sees you with me than it's not going to end well for you." I started dragging her to a small patch of old crunchy leaves in a field.I usually spent outdoors time there."Woah this place is beautiful!" She exclaimed."igual que tú..." I murmured.thank god she didn't know much Spanish.We sat down on the patch and I just twiddled my thumbs. There was an awkward silence.

"So have you ever liked someone?" Y/n interrogated.I smirked."Why?" I responded with a mischievous grin."Eh just wondering." she shrugged."Well no. Amazing peopld like me cant fall in love." I dramtically said."Oh is that so?" Y/n got really close to my face.I felt myself and I pushed her away."What the hell?" I loudly stated in disbelief. 

"Sorry did that make you uncomfortable?" She backed up."No um I just- I uh...." I stumbled on my words.She giggled a bit."Lets just go home." I stood up.Y/n nodded."I can walk you to your house if you want?" Oh my fucking christ I was so out of character."I think I'd like that." She smiled.It made me stomach twist and turn.

We started walking tomher house in silence when she gripped my hand.We looked at eachother and she grinned. It felt so nice....I held on tighter.

Once she reached her house she stopped and blew me a kiss.I went red immediately. I just mustered up a smile and walked away quickly.Oh my fucking god oh my fucking god.

It was just a small crush.Right?....

~End Of Chapter 3~

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