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I just ditched writing my carlos x reader x camilo just to write this. And Carlos is still in denial that what he's doing is wrong lol.y/ns pov!!!||

I woke up sort of early today.Last night I felt sort of someone was watching me . Maybe I was just being paranoid.I got up and got dressed to go to one of the food stalls. I ate breakfast and all that jazz and went out. I saw meghan.My favorite stall person.We talked alot and ive bought from her before.

She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. She was an older lady.Around 55 I suppose.We were just talking and chatting and I bought some fresh fruits and vegetables from her. Everything was going well!

-Carlos's pov- 

I was sneaking around the village when I saw y/n at a stall.I felt happier seeing her and I didnt know why. Oh right....I loved her.God I cringed when I thought of that.But I already accepted my feelings.I hid behind an alley but poked my head out to see her.

She was so majestic.The sun caught in her (H/C) hair. Her memorizing, glistening eyes.Everything about her made me lose control.people might consider this as stalking but its not! Id prefer to call it Watching. I remembered I had to get back home before breakfast. 

I darted back to our casita and pretended like I was in my room all this time. Just then, abuela announced breakfast was ready so we all went downstairs. As we all sat down i couldnt help but think of y/n. The thought made me smile."Carlos you look happy today." Isabela stated Teasingly.Just then mama noticed the cut on camilo's cheek.

"Camilo what happened to your cheek?" She asked. I glared at him but my heart was pounding . What if I got caught? "Oh I uhm....I was just messing around with knives and got cut." He covered."Messing around with knives? Wow Camilo youre turning into Carlos!" She half joked.

That made me mad....I just got talked down on again....I angrily stlod up slamming my plate on the table."Excuse me but I have to go." I angrily spoke and left while gritting my teeth.i didnt even bring the plate with me.I reached my room and clenched my fists.The anger in me just kept building up and I ended up punching a mirror which led to it shattering into pieces.

I noticed the stinging cut on my hand but I didnt feel it much since i was used to it."Shit...." I muttered under my breath.My room was a mess.If my parents went in here I would be scolded.I went downstairs again, planning to leave the house when mama interrupted. "Carlos what happened? Why were you angry?" She questioned."Guess you've forgotten what you did....." I whispered.

"What?" She didnt hear me.Dolores moved uncomfortably in her seat.I left the casita then because I didnt want any more questions. I just made my way to y/n's house.When I arrived I saw another guy talking to her! he was blushing alot and getting close to her.Did nobody in this fucking village understand? Y/n was mine! And Mine only.

I couldnt interfer yet since y/n was there but when he left I couldnt have walked faster to her."Oh carlos! Como estas?" She waved."Im good now that im with you." I smirked."Oh stop it you!" She dramatically dipped her hand while turning her head away and giggling.I chuckled a bit At her."Oh my god carlos! What happened to your hand?!" She said, concerned.

"Um I just cut myself on glass.No big deal." I acted calm."Jeez were you punching glass or something? Come on lets get you healed up! " she spoke as she dragged me into her house.i saw her dad and I just gave a quick wave.He raised an eyebrow but continued what he was doing.

"I could just eat an arepa you know? You dont need to bring me to your house." I protested."You dont like eating." She replied."what how would you know?!" I spoke."You never finished dinner that first time we met." She answered.right....I forgot about that.She brought me to her bedroom and sat me on her bed as she got a medkit from some drawers.

Smart.Its good to not always rely on my tia.She kneeled down to aply some water or whatever it was to the stung a little.She then perked her head up to look at me and our faces were pretty close.i turned away, embarassed.I felt flustered.Finally she added some band aids on the wound and sat down beside me.

  "Next time time dont hang around with broken glass before I put a cast on your arm." y/n joked.I smiled a bit and pulled her a little closer to me.She held my chin as I grabbed her waist and we stared into eachother eyes before we heard."Y/n what are you doing up there!" Her father yelled.

we stopped doing what we were doing immediately and turned a bit red."Nothing papa! Im coming downstairs!" She called out.she then led me to the door and we said our goodbyes and I left.i swear I had hearts in my eyes.

-Y/n's pov-

"Who was that?" my dad wondered."One of the Madrigals.Camilo's twin." I replied blankly focusing on that guitar that belonged to my mother."What was he doing here?" "He was hurt so I helped him." I snapped out my thoughts and focused on my father more."Cant he just eat one of Julietas arepas?" He asked AGAIN."Yes but he doesnt like to eat." I confirmed."who doesn't like to eat?" He responded in disbelief. 

"Eh." I shrugged."That boy seemed very off  though.....peculiar shall I say." My dad spoke."He might seem odd or threatening but he's harmless! Its not like he hurts others for self enjoyment or something!" I laughed."He never know.Just be careful with peoples intentions dear....They may seem innocent when they're not." dad warned."Dad you worry too much!" I responded.

"Ive learned that from your mother so I have experience..." he narrowed his eyes.I sighed at the absurd things papa was saying.

Was he really right?

~End Of Chapter 4~

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