First kill

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When im writing for y/n I will be using 'you' instead of 'I' now since most people wanted that.So ummm first kill time.It wont be too descriptive and gorey since umm.That would make tons of people uncomfortable but yeah enjoy.Y/ns pov||

You awoke as the sun hit your face.You had that feeling again.But more intense.....You look at your window and see its slightly open.Was there a Heavy wind last night? Was pepa sad? You knew none of the people in encanto would do this.Hmm nope not Mr burns. Not miss limor or mrs shwisster. Definitely not any of the madrigals.

Whatever it was nothing.You streched and Sat in a chair infront of your desk.You didnt feel hungry so you decided to just draw to pass the time.As you opened one of the drawers to get a pencil you noticed that it looked messy and like someone had rummaged through it. It wasnt like that yesterday? Maybe it was and you were just overthinking It.

As you doodled random things on your paper your dad called out for you."Y/n! Arent you going to eat breakfast?!" He yelled."No papa im not hungry!" You answered."Alright..." he replied.You continued untill an hour had passed so you started doing various things untill it was 1 pm and you had to eat lunch.

You went downstairs where your father greeted you with a bowl of pasta."Thanks dad!" You thanked."No problem honey! Now eat up! You didnt even eat breakfast." papa spoke.You then started eating, completely unaware of the things happening in other parts of the encanto.

-Carlos's Pov-

It was an hour after midday. Everyone was in their rooms and doing their own thing.Perfect time to......Well um you know.Kill someone. Yes it was extreme but fuck it! Y/n doesnt need these scumbags around her anyway! I tip-toed into the kitchen and got the sharpest knife there was and sneaked out.Only problem was finding out where Damien was.

I figured it wouldnt be too hard. I suddenly saw him and creeped into a nearby, abandoned alleyway.We were in a more secluded part of the encanto so thankfully nobody was nearby when he walked infront of the alley I grabbed him and pulled him into the alley.

I immediately covered his mouth as I pushed him onto the floor.I heard muffled screams as I brought the knife closer to his neck."Dont scream.This is your punishment for getting too close to y/n!" I growled.His mouth was covered but I could still make out some sentences like "Why are you doing this? " and others.

"You'll never live to see the fucking sunlight again.Y/n is mine!" I shouted as I dug the knife into his throat.I removed my hand as he started coughing up blood.I stabbed his stomach several times to make sure he was really dead.

I got up with my blood stained knife and laughed maniacally.I felt joy out of seeing him suffer.As I snapped back from Phsycho mode I realised were clothes were all bloodied.Fuck....what if someone sees me? 

I cautiously walked back home and immediately ran to my room.Washing these clothes would be no use.They were beyond repair.I had extra anyway.I could just turn these old ones into paper and no one would know. I still had blood on my skin so I needed to take a shower.Wait......

We only had one bathroom.

There was a big chance somebody was already in there or would see me but I had to risk it.I transformed Into mirabel so if I DID get caught I wouldnt be in trouble. I arrived to the baathroom safely and transformed back.

Transforming felt weird.... I hadnt done it in so long because I refused to use it since Camilo had the same gift.I hated being like him and honestly was a bit glad when people could easily tell us apart.It was difficult always being hated by everyone.No matter where I went I would get looks of either fear or hatred.

Once I had finished my shower I returned to my room with my curly locks Covering my eye.I put on the new clothes and went downstairs to wash the knife. Around the time I was done people were walking around the house again and I just stood against the wall thinking about what happened outside.

After a while we hear screaming coming from the entrance of the house.Everyone rushes to get there as I trail along behind them.It was mirabel."Guys help!! T-theres a dead body in the old alleyway a-and." She was panting from running here so quickly. "What?! Show us!" Abuelas voice boomed.

She then started Jogging back to the spot.It honestly looked funny because she was so exhausted.Julieta brought a plate of arepas and we all followed her.I was getting nervous.

What if I was caught? Would I be banished? Go to jail forever in a different city? Be executed? I needed to get these negative emotions out of my head.There we reached the alleyway and everyone looked mortified and Antonio started crying.Poor guy....I couldnt blame him. The scene was a total horrific mess.

"This looks very recent! The cuts are fresh and it-" julieta informed. She tried to give damien an arepa to heal him but it was no use.he was already dead...

-Y/n's pov-

You were embroidering a bit when you suddenly heard screaming outside your window.You immediately ran out to see what was happening.Everyone was running somewhere and you followed. It took a while but you reached the spot.There were the madrigals and townspeople crowded around the area shrieking in fear and shouting . you pushed past the crowd and saw damien, your friend there.But he was.......DEAD! 

He looked beaten up and like he had been stabbed. You rushed towards him and started yelling."Damien?! NO NO.....THIS CANT BE!....." You sat beside the corpse.You couldnt help but cry.WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THIS?! No scratch that! The person who did this COULDNT have been in their right mind.....

you had to step back into the crowd since you were so overwhelmed and upset."Everyone there has been a terrifying tragedy today and we will figure out who did this.Please return to your home safely!" Alma spotted carlos in the crowd and went to him."Carlos! Can you believe what has happened?!" you cried."No its terrible....." he Said. "Whoever did this must be a physopath!" you stated.We then looked at the body.You were feeling so many emotions.

you then turned your head to see him grinning.

~End Of Chapter 7~

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