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BACK FROM THE DEAD,BITCHES.I KEPT PROCRASTINATING ON THIS CHAPTER AH. I'm thinking of calling you guys my rain clouds- Also it starts off on Carlos's pov||

I stared in front of me.Poor y/n had passed out from exhaustion,luckily I was there to help her and place her on the couch.I dragged my finger along her face and smiled.She was such a beauty....I would make her mine.That was a promise.

I sighed.I didn't even mean to love her or care about her but here I am...I hated the way she made me feel.The way Butterflies swarmed in my stomach every time she was there.It made me feel so...pathetic.Months ago falling in love would have been the most absurd thing ever for me.Let alone killing people for it.

It wouldn't matter though.Not soon anyway.I swore I would be with her forever and she didn't have a choice in the matter.

-Y/n's pov

I woke up in a daze.How long had it been since I fell asleep? And why was I on the couch? I didn't remember being there.Eh I probably just forgot.

You got up and stretched your arms and went to the bathroom to freshen yourself. As you entered the room you had a faint memory of what happened last night but not a lot probably since you were tired when it occurred. After you finished what you were doing you went downstairs.

I saw everyone going outside so I followed them and sat outside at the table to eat breakfast.There was an extra chair just for me and it was next to Carlos so that was convenient.

"Hey Carlos!" You spoke.He only looked at you with a monotone expression.'Well that's weird' you thought. You just continued eating.When it was over you started to remember a bit about last night.It was confusing so you decided you would ask Carlos about it.

Everyone was getting up from their seats and so I turned to Carlos."Hey did anything happen last night? Like I remember going into the bathroom and then you chasing me or something..." I asked. "NO!" He yelled. Everyone stopped in their tracks and looks him as if he were crazy."Ehem I mean....Why would I ever Do something like that? You're being delusional,it was obviously just a nightmare!" He gaslighted. 

"O-oh if you insist..." I had no idea why he shouted like that.A normal person would have realised he was being defensive and therefore lying.But I didn't.Carlos sighed and put his plate down. "I'm sorry Y/n...." He looked off to the side with a sad expression while still facing me."It's okay! I'm happy you apologised!" Carlos typically wasn't one to apologise,why would he be different with me?

He started walking inside and I followed him. I mean,what else would I do? He seemed to be in a bad mood and just sat on the couch I woke up in. "Aw is someone in a bad mood?~" I teased.He just scoffed in response."Don't be maaaddd~" I spoke but he was saying nothing.Hmph two can play that game..."Talk to me mi amorrrr!" His face immediately turned red and he choking. "Wh-what did you just call me?!" He replied,blushing.

To be honest,I had no idea what that meant- I just heard Mirabel parents saying it to eachother."I dunno." I admitted. "Y-you don't know?!" His face was getting hotter by the second.did I say something wrong?..."Are you okay?.." I asked. He just buried his face in his hand but I could still see blush poking through.

-Carlos's pov-

Did- Did she really just say that?! God I probably look like a blushing mess right now!..."Mi amorrr! Mi amor? Are you okay?" She said. Y/n you idiot,stop saying that! "St-stoppp..." Oh shit! Why did I sound so weak! And uh- what's the word? Submissive? Eh I'm not exactly sure what that means...

She giggled at my tone,her voice sounded so heavenly...I couldn't wait until she was mine...

-Y/n's pov-

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