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So yes I'm not dead.y/ns pov btw pals ||

"Mirabel stop raiding all the snacks!" Dolores tried to stop her."What? I'm hungry okay...."She grumbled. I giggled a bit at the scene."Ugh anyways Carlos.want some?" His sister held some crisps/chips in front of his face."Uh thanks." He slapped the bag away.i lost interest in their conversations soon after and walked around.I accidentally stepped on something and I heard a shattering sound and flinched.

I looked down to see a photo frame.Mirabel nor Carlos were in it sadly.I picked it up and inspected it while thoughts flooded my head;Did they really hate them that much? It was just cruel to leave them out of a family photo.I remembered Antonio's ceremony was coming up soon.He would turn 5 and finally get his gift like the rest of the Madrigals.

Your thinking was interrupted as You heard isabela saying your name. "Y/n! Ven arriba!" You quickly grabbed a random snack from the counter and headed upstairs with the others.

I saw Carlos and ran up to him."Hey uh Carlos....when we were downstairs I accidentally broke one of the picture frames.I hope that doesn't bother you all..." I admitted."Eh don't worry.You've done me a favour honestly." He grinned.I nodded,not sure what he meant by that.

It was getting late and everyone was setting up their spots to sleep.Isabela only agreed to sleep in the room as long as she could be in the bed with Dolores because someone like her wouldn't sleep on the floor I guess.I chose my spot and Luisa handed me a sleeping bag to put down.

I kept rubbing my eyes and tried to fall asleep but i wasn't all.Everyone else was already asleep so I didn't want to disturb them but the chilly air kept making contact with my skin and made me shiver.

After an hour of tossing and turning I eventually fell asleep somehow.but when I woke up i wasn't where i was before...

It was night and really dark.I walked through the place,feeling uneasy and scared.The feeling in my stomach worsened when i came across an alley.The one....Damien was murdered in.I felt a shiver up my spine but then I heard cackling behind me.I spun around immediately and saw a figure with a sinister grin.Was it couldn't be!

It was Carlos! I felt my eyes widen as I looked at him.He was covered in my blood with bodies of mutilated corpses behind him.I felt like as was going to puke as he started twirling a knife around his fingers."It's wonderful isn't it? They're all gone! I did this for you Y/"  He sadistically grinned.I couldn't move or speak at all.The fear had paralysed me.Then he started walking closer to me with a bloody rose in his hand...

I woke up in a cold sweat,hyperventilating.What a horrible nightmare! I stood up to go to the bathroom.I looked at everyone else,there would be no point telling them I was going since they were all sleeping anyway.Atleast I thought they were.

I walked over to the bathroom and started to use cold water to wash my face.I needed to refresh myself after that.It was the middle of the night and the bathroom lights were really dim.My hyperventilating stopped and my breathing was getting slower.

Suddenly I felt a hand cover my mouth.I tried to scream but it came muffled for obvious reasons."Shhh dont scream darling~" I heard someone say.You probably know who it was already...Carlos Madrigal.His other arm hugged my waist.

He removed his hand and i didn't try to take scream this time because it would attract the attention of everyone else."W-what are you doing here?" I turned around and asked with shaky breath."I saw you get up and leave the room.I can't check up on you now?" He smirked,removing his hand from my waist.

"J-just don't do that again...understood?" I was still scared because of the dream."you seem tense.Whats wrong? Or is that not the case hmm?" He spoke."I'm fine!Just had a bad dream that's all..." I left out some very important details.

"Well that's fine.You're with me now....We'll be together....forever." The tone of his voice sounded malicious and possessive and I didn't like it.Especially not after that dream.I just needed some alone time,I wasnt tired or hungry or anything.I just wanted to sit and do nothing.And that meant without Carlos for tonight.

"I have to go..." I said before trying to leave the room.He grabbed my arm to stop me from going though."Where do you think you're going?!" He spat with his eyes being the brightest thing in the dull room.I hadn't ever seen this side of him before.He seemed so...angry and scary.

I broke myself free from him.Even though he didn't have much weight he was still strong.I dashed out of the room but I didn't know where else to go.He lived here so he knew Casita way better than I did.Plus it was very unsettling at around 1AM.

I didn't even know why I was running.I guess I just wanted to get away from him because the nightmare was in my head still.

Little did I know the nightmare was a sign

~End Of Chapter 14~

Note:Why do you guys like this! Looking back on it now I realise it's so cringy.Especially the first chapter which even when I wrote it I thought was cringy.Anyways you're going to start seeing a more aggressive,manipulative side of Carlos now

Bloody rose||Yandere Carlos Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now