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"Matthews!", a harsh voice shouts.
I groan and get up from the concrete floor I've been sleeping on for the past 5 months, 3weeks and 22 days.
I look through the rusted cell bars at the guard who woke me up.
Smith was his name.
He takes out a small key and opens the cell door, grabbing me by my arm and yanking me up. He then drags me down the dim lit hallways into a white room that became oh so familiar.
He throws me into the smaller room that was cut off by stone hard glass and turns on his heel, leaving me behind.
I roll my eyes at him.
He's normally a real unicorn i swear....
note the sarcasm.
Im left alone for a few minutes, as always, until a red haired lady enters, with a clipboad in her hands and big glasses on her nose.
Claire Sullivan.
She had been trying to open that stupid box, by using me for the past few months.

The box.

I look to my left and see the damned thing laying on a podium, covered in blue and read lights.
They let me undergo simulations from all five factions. And only when i complete every single simulation, the box would reveal its dangerous contents.
Well and thats the thing.... Up until now I've tried to open this thing almost every day, but was almost killed in the process every time. As soon as Claire would get me out of the simulation, the box would delete my progress and i had to start over the next day.
And let me tell you one thing.
It isnt pleasant at all.
I already had two heart attacks, a stroke, concusions, short time amnesia, and bleedings all over my body.

"Take a seat.", Claire says firmly while typing something to start the program.
My body was aching all over but i still obeyed and sat in the chair in the middle of the room.
The cold material of the chair gave me goose bumps but i ignore it and wait for the tiny black tubes to come out of the ceiling and put me into the simulations yet again.

3rd person POV:

The tubes come out of the ceiling and inject Grace with the serum that would put her back into the simulations.
"Check her heart rate and brain functions, i dont want to stop in the middle of simulation because they are about to stop working.", Claire says coldly as the simulations start.
Grace starts stirring and her heart rate jolts up. Everyone around Claire looks at the screen intensely hoping that it would work this time.
The scene on the screen changes after a few minutes.
"Dauntless simulation complete.", the computer says and the dauntless sign on the box lights up.
A few minutes pass and her condition gets worse again but she manages to complete the Abnegation and Candor sim aswell.
"Ms. Sullivan. I think we should stop.", one of the coworkers says, sounding concerned.
"Erudite simulation complete.", the computer says as Grace starts trashing around.
Claire shakes her head violently.
"No just one more sim... She can do it. Dont get her out yet.", she demands.
The coworker retreats silently his eyes never leaving the screen.
Suddenly blood starts trickling down Graces nose and her breath comes out in short desperate huffs.
"Ma'am she wont make it if we dont get her out.", a man behind her says.
Claire turns around and looks at the fragile figure inside the testing room.
She sighs heavily and puts down her clipboard in defeat.
"Fine. Get her out.", she says and leaves the room.
The workers type something making the small black tubes retreat into the ceiling.
"Simulations canceled. Progress will be deleted. Completed factions: Dauntless, Candor, Abnegation, Erudite. Failed simulation: Amity.", the monotone computer voice says as Rob enters the testing room, picking up Grace and carrying her limp, unconcious body back to her cell.

*2 hours later*

Grace POV:

I groan and put my head in my hands.
I hated this. The aftermath.
I think something in that stupid serum was causing these fucking headaches.

"How you feeling?", Rob asks while sharpening a blade.
I briefly glance at him.
"What does it look like?", I ask and wipe the blood off my nose.
He just smirks.
Rob and I couldn't exactly be called friends... But we are no enemies either.
Lets just say that we tolerate eachother. As i assumed he was from Dauntless.
"You wanna play-", he starts.
"No Rob! I dont want to play fucking cards. Thats what I've been doing for the past 5 fucking months!", i growl.
He stops sharpening his knife and looks at me then shakes his head and continues again.

Eric hadnt shown himself. Which just proved that Kaitlyn had fooled him aswell.
As much as i was angry at him for falling for something like that i couldnt help but feel a small stinging in my heart every time i remembered his last words to me.

"I'll see you soon, beautiful"

It had been over 5 months now and i found myself slowly giving up on hope.
They wouldn't come. They didnt even know i was gone. How would they know?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Kaitlyn may have won now. But this wasnt over yet, not while i was still breathing.

I turn around to look at Rob.
"What day is today?", i ask.
"9th of December.", he answers quickly.
Again, that sting in my heart, only ten times stronger now.
Today was his birthday.
I wondered what Eric was doing right now.
Im sure that he must be trying to avoid people as much as he could today.
He always hated his birthday.
My hands form into fists when i realize what he could be doing right now, since he was probably in his apartment all day.
Oh Kaitlyn. I hope you enjoy that one time fuck with Eric, because when he finds out it is going to be your last.

A tear slides down my cheek but i quickly wipe it away. It hurt to think that Eric was getting intimate with her thinking it was me.

"I almost got it today.", i murmur trying to change my train of thoughts.
Rob looks up and smirks.
"A well dollface, maybe next time you'll actually finish it.", he laughs and i smile slightly.
"Yeah... Maybe... Or ill die of boredom and never make it to the testing room again.", i joke.
He laughs and shakes his head.
"Ahhh, black humor i see.", he says and then his smirk turns into a smile,"You havent lost it."
I look at him confused.
"What do you mean?", i ask and he shifts in his chair.
"Hope. You still got it.", he explains.
I shake my head and avert my eyes.
"You're a very strong young lady, i respect that.", he says and its silent for a few minutes.
"Why did you join them?", i finally ask, looking back at him.
He sighs and brushes his hand through his hair.
"I didnt really join them.", he says, emphasizing the word," i just followed my brother to make sure he's alright."
I let his words sink in and when they do i slowly nod.
"So you're not really sharing their opinion?", i ask.
He shakes his head.
"Nope, im completely okay with the fact that you killed your old lady. But they dont have to know that.", he says and shrugs.
Its silent again.
"So you could... Maybe... Let me out of here, right?", i ask, hopefully.
He looks at me apologetically.
"Sorry babydoll, no can do.", he says,"i have to keep my cover up. Have to keep my brother safe. Im sorry."
I sigh and lean my forehead between two rusty, metalbars.
"Lets play those stupid cards.", i say changing the subject after a while of complete silence.
He smiles and pulls them out of his pocket.
"You're never going to beat me, dollface.", he taunts.
I roll my eyes.
"You wish, grandpa.", i mock looking at my cards.

Sooo what do you think of this chapter?
What do you think is going to happen next?
Will Grace escape? Will Eric find out?
Or is neither gping to happen?
Please vote and comment and tell ke what you thought of this chapter.
Love you.

Unforgiving  Eric x OC Fanfiction (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now