Nothing of Importance

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I look at him intently, silently pleading for him to do it. All the guilt and fear from before was gone. All i cared about was that he had the chance to kill off his biggest fear.
"Eric. Shoot him.", i say again.
A few moments pass and finally Eric raises his gun, mustering up his trademark glare, he aims at the mans head and pulls the trigger.
A loud bang can be heard and the man jerks backwards from the impact, before falling lifeless to the ground. I let go, not letting my gaze off of Eric.
Finally, a smile spreads on my lips which he returns with his usual smirk, i had missed so much.

Current time:

Grqce POV:

"For a second there i thought we wouldn't survive the night, to be honest.", Kang says, patting Fours back as the captives swarm out of the office they were held captive in. Some of them look at the corpse with bewildered expressions, but say nothing more. Its been a few minutes since Eric had shot that monster, and i still couldnt manage to tear my gaze off of him. Off of his blue grey eyes that managed to get me lost at times. He didnt let his eyes off me either, and thats how we stood there, on the Candor headquaters while people passed by us. Everything was in slow motion as the guilt fought its way back into my brain. I had treated the person i promised I wouldn't, like the last piece of shit on earth.
"Grace...", i suddenly hear Max say as he waves a hand in front of of my face.
I keep my gaze on Eric.
"Yeah?", i ask, my voice sounding a tad distant.
"We'll need to have a word with Jack. Are you coming?", he asks, while his gaze wanders between me and Eric all the time.
I take a few steps towards Eric taking his big hand in mine. He smiles lightly as our fingers touch but doesn't say anything.
"You go without us. We'll be in the train. I think Eric and I need some...", I pause and smile back,"time to catch up."
We dont wait for Max's response, we simply march out of the office area and out of the Candor headquaters.
Its quiet between us as we make our way towards the train. Its familiar loud honk can be heard and soon we are sprinting next to it, swinging ourselves inside gracefully.
We look at eachother as we catch out breaths and soon its dead quiet. No one dares say anything and just the rattling from the train can be heared.
"I remember...", i finally say and hear Eric sigh.
"I noticed..", he answers, his deep vpice echoing through the train cart.
He closes his eyes for a brief second, a pained expression on his features.
"But since im such a cruel, sadistic, egocentric sonofabitch. I think its better if we dont see eachother for a while.", Eric replies coldly, making my heart ache even worse. He had been suffering, and it was all because of me.
He turns away attempting to jump out of the train but i grab his hand and pull him back so he was facing me again. I take his face in my hands looking into his eyes intently.
"Eric. Im sorry okay? Im sorry that i lost my memory. Im sorry that i was afraid of you. Im sorry that i made you think that there was anything between me and Cole. But i was confused. I didn't know what my life was about okay? I was locked up and tortured for more than a year. I was watching while you put that ring on that bitches finger, thinking it was me. Okay? I know you suffered, and you were fooled, and played and rejected. But i suffered too. I actually died.", i say, quietly, but intently not letting Eric cut me off this time, i needed to get this off my chest ,"yes, you are a cruel, egocentric, sadistic sonofabitch. are my cruel, egocentric, sadistic sonofabitch. And that wont change. Ever. You hear me?"
By now he was pressing his forehead against mine, the pained expression was gone, but he still had his eyes closed.
In this moment, i knew, that we both were the most vurnable people in all of the factions. Two of the most tough leaders, of the toughest faction, standing in a traincart, trying to mend eachother before they fall apart completely.
"Did you find your diary?", Eric asks, after a long silence. I smile lightly, stroking his cheek with my thumb.
"Yes, yes i did. I read your little....letter.", i answer,"i didnt know that you are a man of such big words."
Eric chuckles while his arms snake around my waist pulling me closer to him abruptly, which makes me squeal surprised.
"I was Erudite after all.", he murmurs, his voice low.
I bring my face even closer to his making him lean forward in attempt to kiss me. I lean back, avoiding his lips in a teasing manner. He growls, unsatisfied.
I smile at his struggle. "Oh really? I have never seen you in Erudite before.", i tease making him smirk.
He leans forward again, but i deny him access one more time. He groans before spinning me around and slamming me into the wall. Not to harsh but not to gentle either. I gasp from the impact as he presses his body against me to keep me from running. He puts my arms above my head, in a secure grip while leaving hungry kisses along my neckline.
I squirm and giggle. I wanted to tease him a little more, but I had forgotten how impatient he could get.
He starts nibbling around my sweet spot and i bite my lip to keep the moan from escaping my lips. He grunts disapprovingly as i grip his arms tighter, and thats when i realize that Eric had let go of my arms. He bites down gently making goose bumps appear all over my body and the moan finally escape my mouth. I could feel him smirk against my neck and i pull his head up to finally crash my lips against his. Our lips moves against eachother on perfect sync, as if they'd never done anything else. And in this moment there was nothing of importance to us anymore. No leader duties, no guilt, no stress, no Kaitlyn, no 'Old Societies' ....nothing. It was simply us. Together. In a train cart. And i didnt want it to be any different.

Sooo there it is the long overdue reunion!!
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Also the guys who had checked out my new story ' Dangerous Liaisons' how do you like it so far? Please let me know in the comments. Also, thanks for reading!
You're the best people!
Love ya!

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