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"Broken people are dangerous. They know how to survive."

Grace POV:

"Come on you need to eat.", Rob urges and shoves an apple into my hand.
I was starving, and thats the only thing i get to eat. A fucking apple.
I groan and take a big bite out of it.
"Is your brother at least important to those bastards?", i ask between bites, making Rob look up nervously.
He shrugs. "Yeah, i guess, he is. If it wasnt for him,i would tell them all to shove it.", he says smirking.
I sigh. Sadly his brother was as loyal to 'Old Society' as it could get.
On top of all that, he was the most rude guard here. Smith, the Unicorn guard. You guessed it.
"Sorry to tell you this, but your brother is a real pain in the ass. I mean im already stuck her what looks like for all eternity, at least he could try and not be such a dick.", i complain while taking another bite out of the apple.
Rob laughs, shaking his head and burying his nose into an old comic book.
"So if it wasnt for him, you would bust me out of here?", i ask, my mouth full which made it hard to talk at all.
Rob nods eagerly.
"I would, you can trust me on that one, dollface. No one deserves to be a labrat like you. Or to be treated like you did.", he explains.
I look down onto my lap.
"You dont know that...", i mutter.
"Yes i do. You killed your old lady, so what? She deserved it. And your baby sister, for all you care, she died the day her heart stopped because of the cancer, not because you shot her.", Rob says emphasizing every single word as if i was a child.
I look up at him, tears in my eyes and flash him the best smile i could possibly do.
"Thanks old man.", i say, and for the first time in a year i also mean it.
He shrugs, winking at me.
"No problem kiddo.", he answers, already getting lost in his comic book again.
I sigh, lean my head back and close my eyes.
Its been over a month since that bitch had visited.
A month, in which they had managed to stop my heart from beating twice.
A month in which i had literally drowned in my sorrows and nightmates, well, just like always.
A month in which i found myself yearning for his touch again, for the first time in quiet a while.
And now, he was married to the girl that had helped destroy him in the first place, thinking it was me.
The saddest thing is that, Eric hadnt even realized that it wasnt me who he had married, no, he probably never will and i will be stuck here until they get sick of me and shoot me in the head.
Since Kaitlyns visit i found myself wishing to get out of this godforsaken place again, even if i would have to bail myself out, on my own.
I shift from my sitting position. The floor is really uncomfortable, you would think that after more than a year of being locked up here i would get a bed or anything more comfortable to sleep on, but no.
I sigh.
If my so called boyfriend couldnt get me out of here, and Rob couldn't either because of his stupid sonofabitch brother, i had to take matters in my own hands. Like always. And for that, I'll need a damn good plan.


"She'll never get this damn thing open, we're just wasting our time!", someone hisses far enough to not be seen but close enough that i could hear them still.
"Dont defy Kaitlyns plans, Smith. She'll murder you, and who knows what She'll do to your brother.", someone else says. I smirk. Smith was planning something. But he was in luck, because i was too.
Rob had left a few hours ago said he was needed in the testing room which left me with his brother and some other guard.
Meanwhile i figured out a plan that would hopefully lead me out of this place, but if Rob knew about my intentions, he wouldnt be pleased at all, which meant that i was on my own on this one.
I had searched for something i could work with on the way to the testing room and back and was rewarded with a loose cable cord.
I tighten my grip on it and take a deep breath. This was my only chance to gain freedom.
"That bitch is fucking worthless! If i have to defy Kaitlyn to prove my point, i will!", Smith hisses,"are you with me Cole?"
"Im sorry man, but you're playing with fire here. I dont want to be part of that.", Cole says and i hear footsteps disappearing in the distance.
Smith's footsteps get louder as he approaches my cell, and suddenly i wish that Rob was here instead of him. I didnt want to do this. Especially not to Rob.
I close my eyes and try to calm myself.
But i had to do this to even have the slightest chance of escaping.
"Well, well hows life, Matthews?", Smith says arrogantly while standing infront of my cell, smirking down at me.
I just look up to him, letting no emotion slip through my expression.
"What do you want Smith.", i then boredly say.
He bends down next to me and even then he was almost one head taller than myself.
I gulp but keep my gaze fixed to the wall infront of me.
"Oh nothing really. Its just fascinating how you, when you arrived here, were kicking and screaming at us to let you go. Yet here you are now, nothing but a broken little girl. Its interessting how it didnt even take a month to break you.", he laughs and cocks his head to the side.
My heart starts beating faster, he was pressing my buttons, and he knew it.
Rage was starting to boil inside of me because of his words, and the amount of guilt i was feeling about what i was about to do, shrunk to a minimum.
I close my eyes, taking a deep breath, like always before i made a kill.
Then, i turn around and look at him smiling.
"You know, Rob is way to nice to you.", i say and lunge forward, snaking my arms through the cell bars and wrapping the cable cord around his neck, cutting of his air supply.
He struggles immensely and tries pulling the cord off his neck before it would kill him, but at the moment my body was full of adrenaline giving me the strength i had lost over the year which allowed me to not move that corde an inch.
He lets out a few strangled noises before he lets go of the cord and stops struggling.
I breath out in short huffs and loosen the cord from his neck, letting him fall limp to the ground.
I immediately back off and hide the cord in a corner. I kick the corpse further away from the celldoor and start yelling for help.
Good, stage 1 of my plan was successful.


" so sorry.", i mutter and look at him sympathetically.
He fiddles with his hands not looking at me and just shakes his head.
"It isnt your fault, i mean Cole was an ass, i should have seen it coming.", he mumbles.
I look down onto my lap. If he only knew.
When guards had arrived I had claimed that Cole had strangled him to death after a fight, and they bought it, thankfully.
"Im still sorry.", i mumble and take his hand in mine.
He looks up at me and smiles weakly.
I smile back.
He then clears his throat pulling his cards out of his jacket.
"C'mon dollface, lets see if you can beat me in a new game.", he says more confidently now.
I laugh lightly, the action from before had really taken all the engery i had left.
"Oh, we already know im gonna.", i mock and he chuckles lightly.


Rob POV:

I look at Graces sleeping figure and sigh.
This ones a tough cookie i had to admit.
Im not the friend type normally but this girl had weaseled her way into my already old, worn out heart. I had never met someone like her in all my 46 years.
She stirrs and mumbles something in her sleep and turns her back on me.
I knew that she wouldnt last very long with those sims anymore. They had worn her out completely, fucked up her mind also. It was only a matter of time until they cant revive her from her next heart attack anymore. Which meant that i had to get her out of here before that.
I had nothing to lose anymore. My brother's dead. Strangled to death by some fucktard, but it wasnt like my brother didnt deserve it.
I shake my head to get rid of the sudden lump in my throat.
I couldnt think of my brother. Not now.
I have to focus on busting Dollface out. She doesnt deserve to suffer anymore.
I stand up from my chair and head to the computer room right down the hallway.
It was after midnight, which meant that nobody would be around now.
I open the door and look around, but spot no one. As I assumed.
I turn one of the computers on and start typing things.
Stupid technologie shit! Now i know the reason why i never was cut out for the nose faction.
It takes me a while but soon i manage to make a connection between the people in dauntless control room and myself.
I wait a few seconds until the face of an old friend pops up.
"Rob?", he asks surprised and confused at the same time.
"Zeke.", i give him a firm nod,"i dont have much time so you'll have to listen carefully, boy, ok?"
Suddenly another face of a young man pops into the picture. Brown hair, tan skin, blue eyes. I feel like i knew him from somewhere.
"Four?", i ask.
He raises an eyebrow. "Rob?", he asks,"where the hell have you been, man?"
"No time, boy. I'll need your help. You guys are in danger. Grace has been here for more than a year while Kaitlyn's been fooling you into thinking she's her. Grace is forced to open a box of some type which could kill off any divergent in the city.
Shes gonna die if i dont bail her out soon, and thats why i need someone from over there to help me.... Are you guys in?", i ask hurriedly.
Its silent for a moment and i drum my fingers against the desk impatiently, while the two boys look at each other.
"Whats the plan?", Four asks sternly and i sigh in relief, starting to explain.

So what are your thoughts on this chapter?
I know its a little bit rushed and shitty bit my brains failing me again and this is really all i could do.
Also, im German, dont judge hahahaha :)

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