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Grace POV:

"Lets see...", i chirp happily rummaging through a big black box, ignoring the headache which was currently throbbing in my head. How much did we drink last night?
My face lights up when i finally find what i was looking for and i turn around to face a petrified Claire Sullivan, tied to a metal chair.
I step closer to her and my mind couldn't help but replay yesterdays events.
Cole and I kissed, and i wasnt sure if i should feel happy about it. Sure, i may or may not have developed certain feelings for him, but i couldnt allow them to grow as long as i had an important part of my life erased from my brain.
Eric. I just hope he hadnt seen us, yesterday. I dont know what he would do.
I hadnt realized that i had stopped dead in my tracks and that i had a strong grip on the scalpel in my hand. I huff. What happened between Eric and me? I wish i knew, so i could finally have my peace.
I mean, dont i deserve that? After all ive been through?
"P-please dont...", Claire whimpers infront of me, breaking through my train of thought, trying to wiggle out of the chair, but failing. I chuckle darkly, smirking down at her.
"Why?", i ask," because you were oh so merciful to me?"
She cringes at my words. I clearly hit a sensitive spot.
"You're gonna suffer, just as much as that bitch next door.", i growl and raise my hand, gripping the scalpel tighter.
Suddenly my earpiece crackles and Tris' voice can be heared from the other side.
"Grace? I hate to interrupt, but theres been an incident.", she says firmly.
I roll my eyes. I know im a leader, but cant the others handle incidents on their own? Its not like they need all five leaders, all the time! Im at work for gods sake!
"Elaborate.", i say tiredly and put my hand down, still narrowing my eyes at a shaking Claire.
"Its Cole....he was found beaten to a pulp near the chasm this morning.", Tris says, her voice almost as low as a whisper.
My heart starts racing and i almost drop the scalpel in my hand.
"Do...do you know who did it? Did he say anything?", i ask, lowly trying to keep my voice from cracking.
"No...can you just come here?", she asks and i nod, but remember that she cant see me so i say a quick 'I'll be there' before turning of my ear piece and throwing the sharp blade back into the box.
Who could have done something so cruel? Why would someone beat Cole without a particular reason?
My mind was full of questions that had yet to be answered as i turn around to look at Claire one more time.
"You're lucky today, i have to go so enjoy your free day, honey.", i spit and storm out of the room.


After a 10 minut ride with the train i arrive at the dauntless compound, immediately heading towards the nursery, thinking that Cole might still be there.
I pass a disstressed looking Max and Tris, watching me as i pass by but making no move to stop me.
I rush across the training room which was currently full of Dauntless borns, throwing knives. Eric who was training them gave me a cold stare, crossing his arms infront of his chest, and i couldn't help but notice his busted knuckles.
I frown wondering if he had a longer training session yesterday and if that was the reason his knuckles were hurt.
I shake my head, though and storm into the nursery not a minute after.
I walk into the only white room in the whole compound and look around frantically, trying to make out Cole.
Soon after my eyes land on a familiar bulky figure, sitting on the edge of a bed, being stiched up by Trixi, the operating 'Doc', here.
I come closer and my hand flies up to my mouth in shock.
Cole was unrecognizable. His left eyebrow was cut open, his right eye was swollen and almost shut, his right arm was broken aswell as his left wrist. Trixi was currently stitching up his left side, since it had a wound almost as long as my forearm.
He looked pale and tired and doesnt seem to have noticed me yet, so i step closer falling into a chair right infront of him.
This made him look up abruptly. I frown and take one hand in mine, without hurting him, and draw circles on the back of his hand soothingly.
"Who has done this to you?", i ask lowly.
He just sighs and shakes his head.
He knew who it was, he just didnt want to tell me. I shake my head, anger boiling inside me. How could he protect the one who hurt him?
"Cole...you need to tell me who has done this to you....so i can punish him.", i say intensely holding his gaze locked on mine.
"No. It'll be fine just leave it.", he mutters back, making me scoff angrily.
"Leave it? Are you being serious right now? Whoever it was has beaten you to a pulp, Cole! Look at you!", i exclaim.
Its silent for a while and i realize that Cole wasn't going to tell me who had done this.
I sigh as we wait for Trixi to give the 'okay' so he could go.
Fine, then I'll figure it out on my own.
Finally Trixi comes back and gives him a couple boxes of painkillers and permits him to leave.
He puts an arm around my shoulder leaning half of his weight on me and together we limp to the apartment section.
We pass his apartment, but we dont stop, which makes Cole look at me questioningly.
"My apartment was right there, Anni.", he mutters.
"I know.", i reply nonchalantly.
"So why didnt we enter it?, he asks sarcastically.
I groan.
"Because as long as you're in this condition", i point at him," you'll be staying at mine, so i can take care of your sorry ass."
He chuckles dryly shaking his head, but asking no further questions.
Good boy.


Cole lets himself fall onto my bed and immediately sinks into the soft mattress.
He lets out a content sigh as i go and fill up a glass of water, handing it to him soon after with a pill in my other hand.
He takes both and swallows the pill washing it down with the glass of water.
"There you go..", i say and put the covers up to his chin.
"Thanks Anni, you're the best.", he mutters, already half asleep. I smile, and bend down kissing his forehead gently.
"I know.", i say and leave the apartment quietly, letting the painkillers do their magic.
While i walk towards the messing hall, my mind cant help but wander back to Erics face when me and Cole passed him, not long ago.
He still had his arms crossed, but a content almost evil smirk on his face.
But what was he so content about?
I walk a little further before it hits me, stopping me dead in my tracks.
The busted knuckles, the smirk when he saw Coles battered and bruised body.
He was the one! He was it all along!
The anger which had calmed down before, started boiling again inside of me, just 10 times worse this time. I clench my hands into fists and grit my teeth together before stomping right into the messing hall scanning the crowd for Eric.
Soon my eyes lay on a familiar figure on the leaders table, making me rush towards it and stopping right infront of his face.
He raises an eyebrow and smirks and suddenly i wish i could slap that stupid smirk off his stupid, pretty face. Wait, what? I...i never said that.
"You. me. Outside. Now!", i hiss through my gritted teeth and storm out of the cafeteria not even checking if he was following.
When the heavy cafeteria doors fall shut behind me, i turn around and come face to face with an angered Eric.
But the look on his face didnt stop me from lashing out on him one bit.
"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??!!, i screech but he doesnt even flinch.
"How can you beat up a Dauntless member without any reason??!! You are a leader for fucks sake!!", i shout.
"Oh, dont worry. I had my reason.", he hisses back, trying to hold his composure.
"What possible reason could be good enough to beat him up like this?!", i ask.
He scoffs.
"HE STOLE YOU FROM ME!!! HE KISSED YOU INFRONT OF ME JUST TO INFURIATE ME EVEN MORE!!! HE MADE YOU FORGET ME!!, he suddenly roars placing his hands around my throat, pushing me to the wall.
I claw at his hands attempting to get free, not because i couldn't breath. No. It was because he frightened me.
In this very moment, i was afraid of him.
I look into his eyes seeing the anger still pulsing through them like a stormy see.
A few moments later though he blinks, realizing what he was doing and letting me go immediately.
I rub my aching neck, not managing to bring out a single word for a long while.
I take a deep breath, trying to find my voice again.
"I dont want to see you ever again. You hear me? Keep away from me and my friends you sadistic, egocentric, cruel sonofabitch!", i growl, tears brimming in my eyes. Hurt flashes across his face but i dont really pay attention to that anymore as i storm away from him. Leaving him standing thete, dumbstruck.


My tears hadnt yet stopped flowing, even after an hour of walking through the compound, trying to avoid ever single dauntless person there was.
I felt a huge weight building inside of me, as if my body was telling me what i said to Eric was wrong. But i ignored it and walk further down a hallway until i find myself standing infront of Robs door.
I knock rapidly hoping that he was inside.
Soon after he opens the door looking a tad surprised aswell as his guests, which happen to be Four, Tris, Zeke and Max.
I sob and throw myself into Robs arms.
"Babydoll, you need to tell me what happend.", he says rubbing my back soothingly as Four and Max stand up coming closer to us, worry written all over their faces.
"I dont-i- i dont know what to think anymore!", i sob and bury my head in his shoulder.

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts guys!!!
Please dont kill me though!
*hides behind whole army of Dauntless*
I promise it's all gonna get good!
You'll love the end!
Comment and Vote if you liked this chapter and dont worry...the next one is coming soon!

Be brave!


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