Battling The Grass Type 🌱 Main Milo! and Team Yell Stealing a Bike

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A/n:Sorry this one is going to be a short one... I hope you enjoy!

Normal "Speaking" Yes
Bold *Action* Use a lot
Italic 'Thinking' rarely


Gym Trainer:"Hello There Are you A Gym Challenger?... *You Nod your Head "Yes"* Your Goal is to complete A Gym mission and After that Your going to face the Gym leader Himself in the stadium!... And Also pls Change your uniform... Then proceed to the door Behind me"

*You Change your uniform in the nearby locker room, and immediately entered the door that the Gym trainer ask you too,

You admired the Background scenery and you see a guy what thinks too be a referee?*

Y/n:"Uhh.. Hello There Ref what is the Gym Mission?

Ref:"The Mission is given by Turffields Pokemon gym Is This!*Looks at the Flock of Wooloo's?* To chase Our Unruly Wooloo! *You then see a blockade full of haybales* To that blockade of Bale's of straw over there!

Ref:"The Mission is given by Turffields Pokemon gym Is This!*Looks at the Flock of Wooloo's?* To chase Our Unruly Wooloo! *You then see a blockade full of haybales* To that blockade of Bale's of straw over there!

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Dan:"Oh by the Way you can call me Dan. I serve as a referee and Also my Job is to report the results of battles to the League HQ and Now Let the Gym Mission Begin!

Y/n:"Understood Dan Let's do this! *You then Proceed to gather the wooloo's together and guide them to the blockade full of haybales...... and then All the wooloo's used tackle/roll and the haybales went Flying!*

Y/n:'Bruh.. What did Milo Feed to all of his wooloo?'

Y/n:"Okay Moving On!
*8minutes Later... of Frustrating Flock of wooloos misdirection from the yampers, battling Gym Trainers and Lots of Haybales sent Flying!*

Y/n:"Oh man That was Tough!

Gym Trainer:"Umm Gym Challenger? Your Missing One Wooloo"

Y/n:"....Wat! *You see the arrow sign... Indeed your missing one wooloo! You Look around and You see wooloo roaming deliriously around*

*You then Chase wooloo around and wooloo is not Cooperating... You had no choice but to carry wooloo all the way to the last blockade of Haybales*

Y/n: *💦* "Ohh man that was fun... I have no regrets!

*AND FINALLY the last Blockade of Haybales has been destroyed! And the flock of wooloo rolled all the way to the ranchers... You then carry on to the Stairs and before you enter the door you hear an announcement "Gym Mission Complete!"*

*You Made your way to the Stadium Entrance... You walked and you see Milo and Both of you Walked your way to the Center of the battlefield and then the Crowd is now cheering for both You and Milo!*

 You walked and you see Milo and Both of you Walked your way to the Center of the battlefield and then the Crowd is now cheering for both You and Milo!*

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