The Man Of 🔥 Kabu! and Armor Pass???

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Italic 'Thinking' rarely

Your Nickname Pokemon Summary:
Cindy-Your Female Cinderace
Iris-Your Female Inteleon
Zero-Your Female Zeraora... You reward her a nickname at the hotel last night right before you go to sleep

***The Next Morning***

***The Next Morning***

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Marnie:"Mornin', Y/n... Me and Your Friend Hop... We already have the Fire Badge and Now He is waiting for you in the Gym Stadium and Here I give you Kabu's League Card since I've got a few Copies of them"

*You got Kabu's League Card!*

Marnie:"Ohh and take this too... A little something for our battle yesterday" *You received Two Burn heals* "I hope You Beat That man of Fire Y/n and Don't keep Hop waitin'

Morpeko:*Cheering Urara Cry*

Y/n:"Gee... Thanks Marnie! I won't let Ya down!

Marnie:"Wait! Y/n!.. I've got' a question For you... How did ya wake up this late in the Mornin'?

Y/n:*Freezes and Flashback of you waking up by your Pokemon by giving you an intense love making session* (They didn't Grape you Okay... ... ... Soon it will be😈) "Umm... I'd Rather Not talk About it hehe... Anyways Gotta! Go! And Thanks again Marnie

*You bolted out of the Budew Inn and you Head towards the Motostoke Stadium and you entered the stadium and you look around there are a few gym challenger's left to have a Chance to fight Gym leader Kabu and you meet hop near at the registration desk*

Hop:"Slow Moving aren't you, Y/n? I've already gone and earned my Fire Badge!

Y/n:"I already know man Marnie told me and by the way Congratulations!

Hop:"Thanks! And Man!... that man of Fire Kabu... I nearly got burnt Even with my strongest team, it was definitely a touch-and-go... But I still won in the end!

*You nod at hop and you speak to the Ace Trainer the one who gives you the gym uniform*

Ace Trainer:"Heya Gym challenger... We don't have many challenger's since our gym leader Kabu made his gym mission so hard But I'll be happy to get you registered at once!

Y/n:"Yup! I'm Ready!

Ace trainer:"Jolly good lad! You may find the Fire Gym mission a bit different than others you've faced just enter the door over there and ask that guy that looks like me okay. "But before that... we'll ask you to change into your uniform first...

*You head to the nearby changing room and change there and you get out and head towards the gym mission room*

... ... ...

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