Summary of TextA/n - Authors Notes
Normal Text - 📖Narration, TimeSkip, "Reading, "Talking And "Speaking.
Bold Text - Pov, and Introduction - (Combat), (Emotion), ("Pokemon Communicating to each other "Pokemon)... ("But The Humans Can't Understand them??) ("They are Just spitting facts by saying their pokemon names or making random sounds/noises to each other all the time, and 💥Action!)
Italic Text - [🤔Self Thoughts and Psychic Type Pokemon Speaking to His/Her Master's Mind or some pokemon of they wanted to]
Your Nickname Pokemon Summary:
Cindy - Your Female Cinderace
Iris - Your Female Inteleon
Zero - Your Female Zeraora
Melissa - Your Female MelemetalA/n:"Quick note!! (Because I'm Terrible at making names.. so I am giving them Number names lol🙃)
Dojo Trainer# - #1 Max Soup Cooker, #2 with Scraggy, #3 Guards the Tower of Darkness, and #4 Guards the Battlefield doors in the dojo, are Female Dojo Students ⬇️
Dojo Trainer# - #5 Move Guy, #6 Watt Trader, #7 with Poliwrath, and #8 Guards the Tower of Waters, are Male Dojo Students ⬇️
[RANDOM] Pokemon Sword And Shield X Male Reader [On Hold]
AdventureQuick Note: This story is not accurate in the Pokemon sword and shield plot... Some words will contain cringe or out of context sentence, Game Breaking Logic, and misspelling dialogue and all images, videos, gifs,(I mostly Found in Google Images an...