Raboot and Drizzle are Evolving! And Battling Rival Bede!

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Normal "Speaking" Yes
Bold *Action* Use a lot
Italic 'Thinking' rarely

Now Entering The Galar Mines

*You explore the mines and defeat some wild Pokemon on the way and then you encounter a Male Miner Trainer and defeat him with ease and... Continue on your way...

But Both of your Pokemon Come out of Thier PokeBall and they are signaling you that they are tired and thinking about camping, eat some of your nice Curry and Play with you (not in a kinky way But a Bonding type of way),

You recognized what your pokemon is trying to say... So you then you try to find a perfect camping spot... Which you did and set up camp and both your pokemon are roaming around a little bit for a while and then they lay down next to you and watch what's on your Rotom phone?...

You are watching the gym challenger's attempting to challenging Milo to a Pokemon battle some are Succeed... some are struggling battling his Dynamax Eldegoss, and Hop... well he Aced Milo's Gym Battle and then do his victory pose*

Y/n: "That's one Nice Battle Hop... Don't worry I'm going to catch you up in No Time!

Y/n: *You look at drizzle's expression And she is* "Oh right.. I forgot... drizzle is weak against grass types Pokemon *Looks at Raboot* "Well Raboot it seems we are going Solo on this One challenge But don't worry drizzle it's understandable if you don't want to fight?!,

Y/n:"You two rest here For A while while I cook lunch for us

*You then stand Up and set up the camp fire and the 🍲 and think what should you cook and Check for Ingredients*

Y/n:"I still have a lot of berries but *Starts fishing in your Bag* Awwww man I think I ran out of ingredients... WAIT! I've got something It's A! *You Pull it out and Reveals to be a Light Blue Diamond Thing???*

Y/n: *Confused like a Psyduck* Huh since when do I have This???... Hey Rotom phone pls tell me what's this is???

Rotom Phone: *She explains what is suppose to be an exp candy *Y/n:"Bruh it looks like some kind of Jewelry* this will increase the pokemon experience lvl when Eaten and can be found when doing raid battles like the Dynamax Pangoro you face... What you got there is an EXTRA Large Exp candy*

Y/n:"You said Eaten Right?! so it's must be edible and can this be cook?

Rotom Phone:"I've search up the web and no one tries to cook exp candy curry before?

Y/n:*Raises his shoulder and hands* Ehh What can go Wrong!? *You then Put 3 berries each in the 🍲 and then put the Extra large Exp candy In 🍲 "Raboot can you please increase the fire pls?

Raboot:*Pulls out a pebble on her pocket* "Okay master! *she then do some tricks and she kick the pebble underneath the 🍲 and the fire increased

Y/n:"Thank you Raboot *you then start steering the 🍲 until the contents are mixed well... You stop steering and For the final touch you put your 😘 heart into in it and the aroma spreads around the camp...

Both Raboot and Drizzle smell your cooking and they immediately fell in love with it 😍 because the smell is amazing!*

Y/n: *Sniffs 🍲 then taste and Smacks his lips* "Hmmm??? Still not ready yet it still needs to cook up at least 5 minutes" *And you then put the 🍲 cover on the 🍲*

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