4. The Silence Causes Violence

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2 years later
3 years since Banishment

He was situated in a small clearing, tall boulders towering around the the small area, encircling the location.

Perseus was without a shirt. Without his blades. The only weapon he currently wielded, was a dagger, in the pocket of the black military pants that he wore. He'd obtained the knife by raiding the small camp of a monster army. A senseless and unprovoked act of violence and gruesomeness. The monsters stood no chance against Perseus.

The sound of whispering hissing voices shook the demigod out of his thoughts. He snapped his head up.

Ensuring to be quiet, he stood, reaching into his pocket and grasping the silver dagger. He stalked to the direction of the voices with absolutely stealth, nothing giving away the fact that he was there.

"I told you. We need to get out of here. This area belongs to Perseus. Do you know what he would do to us if we are found here?" One of the monsters whisper yelled. They were empousai but there were only two.

"Yes, I know that. But Lord Perseus is not here right now. And I have some important information to share." The other one said.

"Make whatever it is that you have to say quick. I do not want to linger around this place for much longer!"

The other empousa nodded and walked in closer to the other.

"Dionysus has reformed. I have seen him. He is looking for a way out. I think if we follow him, he can lead us out of here and into the mortal world."

Perseus froze when he heard that name.


He was the reason that Perseus was in this pit in the first place.

Anger flared in the chest of the demigod as he lost control. His subdued presence released itself around him as a black glow outlined his body and the atmosphere began to hum like electricity in the putrid air.

The eyes of the two monsters widened as they realized what was happening. They scampered frantically before regaining proper footing and took off, but alas, their attempts were fruitless.

Dagger in hand, Perseus leaped into the air, clearing over the tall boulders, plunging his knife into the eye of one monster the moment his feet touched the ground. He wrapped his fingers around the other's neck, slamming the beast onto the ground as he squeezed the breath out of its lungs.

"Where is Dionysus?! Tell me now, and you will live."

Perseus had turned the pain of his past into hatred. Hatred for the gods that put this cruel fate upon him, only remaining loyal to those that served him right over the years.

His intent was to kill Dionysus.

Perseus wanted to make sure that the wine god never roamed the earth again for all the trouble he'd put him into.

The empousai remained silent, much to Perseus's annoyance. He tightened his grip on its neck and pushed the dagger further into the other's eye, causing a wail of distress.

"If you value your life, then I suggest that you tell me where he is." He ripped the knife out of the first monster's eye and stabbed it into its neck, immediately disintegrating it into dust.

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