9. War, The Last Crack

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April 26th.
3 years 6 months after Banishment
Tartarus, Enemy Camp
Day of War


Perseus stood just at the borderline of the enemy camp as he throughly assessed the base. No sounds could be heard as he held his hand up for silence from his army that stood behind him. The enemy were resting. Trying to get their energy up for when they attempted an attack on his army. But that would never come to pass, because right now, himself and his team of monsters and undead soldiers stood outside, ready to strike.

The General turned to face his legion. Each of them had a weapon at the ready, waiting for the signal from their leader.

"Formate position Zeta. Swordsmen stand down. Ten of you will come with me to plant the bombs. When we return, we fire."

Before his eyes, he watched his army as they separated into different groups and got into rows horizontal lines, facing the enemy camp. The lines of soldiers in each section held up shields to form a large wall. First line stood on one knee as they held up the shield, second line stood behind the first with their backs slightly crouched, holding up theirs and the third line stood tall with their shields up above their heads.

Behind the shield wall, stood the fireteams. Each section used a different weapon. The first used bows, the second used throwing spears and the third used firearms.

The swordsmen stood at the side. Ten of them stood next to Perseus as he prepared to plant the bombs in enemy tents.

He looked sternly at each of them before he spoke.

"Go in silently and plant the bombs in the enemy tents. If anyone stirs, kill them immediately. Make sure the kill is quiet. I will not tolerate any compromises. This is your life you are fighting with. If you fuck this up, you die. Prepare yourselves. One soldier in each tent. No more. Do you understand?"

Each soldier saluted solemnly at their commander. He gave them a signal and they moved towards the box that held the bombs. When they regrouped, every one of the ten soldiers held an explosive in their hands. Their General pointed a finger, and they entered the base. He moved behind them with his Rifle at the ready, covering his soldiers. He watched as they separated one by one into a tent a proceeded to plant the bombs. It was approximately 5 minutes before they emerged.

"We have 15 seconds. Move! Move! Move!" He whisper-yelled to them. They moved swiftly to evacuate the premises. Just as they recrossed the border, the first explosion went off.

Immediately, enemy forces began to file out of their tents, dazed from sleep, but looked ready to defend.

"Legion! Open Fire!" The Commander yelled. He found a spot between Nyx and Hemera, who were already blasting at adversaries. He got on one knee, aiming his weapon at the enemies, and began spraying bullets into the crowd of tangos, never missing a target.
The sound of gunfire filled the air, exhilarating the young demi-primordial. Monsters of both armies fell at the hands of the other.

"Swordsmen! Advance!" He ordered.

The soldiers ran into battle and immediately began impaling enemies. He spotted the wine god, Dionysus in the mix of his men. Perseus smirked. He had agreed to let the sorry bitch live, only if he joined his legion.

There was a sudden rumbling. The floor trembled and there was a bright yellow burst of light. Perseus did not look away, unlike everyone else. He focused his eyes to where the light was sourced and zoomed his vision.

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