10. Warrior

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The Last Battle

'At the end of a war, you think about all that you have lost. But as you look closer, you focus on what you have gained. This determines whether you spend your life at peace or tormented. Are you satisfied? Or do you regret?' -Ghost


The power that coursed through him was like nothing he had ever felt before. Even with the blessing of the mark, what he felt in this moment, was on a completely different level.

He glowed a golden shade of yellow. The aura was excruciatingly hot, but his body stood as one with the new power. The heat had no effect on him.

As if murdering and taking someone's soul was not enough, he lit the remains of Titan's brain afire, using a new yellow flame. It was unlike the fire he wielded before. He was pleased to see the effects of his new power, when the spot he impaled, instantly turned to ash.

He laughed triumphantly. Hyperion would never see the light of day again. He would never reform. Because Perseus, was the man that made him fade.

He could hear the war still raging outside. He leapt from where he stood, to the area that he had entered through, exiting the skull of the Titan.


He dove off of the Titan's head and readied his knives for battle. The moment he hit the ground, he embedded a blade in the head of a dracaena, exploding it into dust. He sprinted towards the battle ahead and immediately began ripping apart his enemies. He spotted a group of monsters attempting to pin Nyx down. He grabbed the bow of a fallen monster and notched an arrow, impaling the heart of the first monster. He unsheathed the gun strapped to his calf and opened fire at the group with perfect precision.

He was suddenly hit behind the head with the hilt of a sword. Turning around, there were 4 giants of different types. One made the mistake of trying to stab him. He sidestepped, and lurched forward. He got up into close range so he could properly use the knives. He quickly cut the throat of one and stabbed a blade into the back of another. One of them succeeded in landing a strike onto him, but it only annoyed more than injure him. He transfixed an earth giant in a place where the sun don't shine and kicked its legs out from underneath it, placing a firm stomp onto its neck and breaking the bone. He dove into the air and twisted his body. He brought the blades down with an intense force and sliced vertically downward, ripping through the giant's flesh and limbs, leaving its body in halves.

He grew weary of the battle. His army was falling at the hands of the opposition. The 2997 soldiers he had started with was depleted to 500. He would end this quickly, before too much damage is done.

He scanned the battlefield, not leaving one spot unseen. He focused on the point of which each enemy stood, locking onto their positions and movements. He closed his eyes and concentrated on every liquid running through their bodies.
He boiled the blood of his adversaries and drained any fluids that were present. He clenched his fists and built pressure into their veins, causing arteries and blood vessels to burst. The red ichor sprayed like rough waterfalls, as the victims pleaded for mercy from their aggressor. His enemies dropped before him by the groups. The golden tint in his eyes glowed with his red irises, making him look even more gruesome than he did before. He fed off of the screams. They gave him a rush that willed him to go farther. He mixed fire with the their blood and burned his opposers from inside out.




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