6. Caught

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"True happiness comes where you least expect"

6 months later

Perseus dived over the couch of the living room and bolted through the halls, Nyx dashing closely behind him.

"Nyx no. I'm not letting you paint my nails!" He was laughing hysterically as he ran- something that he found himself doing regularly as of late. He felt happy with Nyx. She made him feel whole again, despite the brokenness that would always be there deep down.

Nyx jumped forward as Perseus turned in her direction. She tackled him to the ground and wrestled with him until she sat on his waist, with her knees at either side of him, pinning him, trying to grasp his hands to put the polish on, and him trying confuse her with his hand movement.

"You can't paint my nails. Do you know how embarrassing that would be if someone actually saw it?" He laughed.

"Oh no, you've gotten away for long enough. You are letting me paint them."

She dropped the nail polish and grabbed both of his wrists, pinning them over his head. Although he was stronger than her, he let her do as she pleased, as he was too busy grinning like he ate cake.

As their excessive laughing began to quiet down, they found themselves just looking at each other, neither of them in any hurry to get out of their current position. Perseus looked into her eyes and the only thing that he could find was admiration. There was a little sparkle in hers at the thought that she was straddling Perseus.

His eyes gave nothing away, whether purposefully or not. It made Nyx wonder if he felt the same way. The shield that he had put up for all these years in the pit was still very much up, despite the fact that he had opened himself up to her.

Nyx knew that a primordial could not have an intimate relationship with a demigod, but Perseus was far from just a mere demigod.

After receiving her blessing, it made him stronger, more wise, and his power and control over it enhanced. The shadows brightened at his steps, so that he could now see the pit in perfect clarity, as opposed to just faint light. The blessings of the three gods that he had previously received, had made him powerful, and by him training them intensely, he would surpass the level of the Olympians. He was in complete control. No Olympian god beside Hades had power over shadows nor the dead. None had power over Greek flames beside Hephaestus and Hestia, and by him controlling these elements, made him partially untouchable in battle, aside from the fact that he was also exceptional in physical combat. He was the first making of a demi-primordial.

Perseus looked at her red, soft lips and every voice in his head, every instinct in his body told him to plant his onto hers, but still, there was a part that told him never to cross that line.

"Perseus, Mom, there's somethin- oh!"

Hemera laughed when she saw the awkward position of her mother and Perseus.

"You know mom, the bedrooms are that way." Hemera pointed to the hallway on the right.

Perseus glared at the primordial of day, while Nyx's already rosy cheeks flushed deep pink. She released his wrists and stood, helping him up as she did.

Hemera grinned at her mother and the Army General. She had noticed the tension between them for a while but refused to say anything about it. Perseus stood up straight as if nothing had happened.

"Is there something that you needed to tell us?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow. He had been expecting an invasion for some time now but he knew that he couldn't yet launch the attack that he had planned with minor help from Nyx. It was a strategy that had been planned for months. Every day, he trained the army of monsters to fit the plans of the lines, formations and fire squads. He was almost ready to launch. All he needed was one more week. He knew that it would be a long and difficult battle. But what he also knew was that he needed to win it. For the sake of the woman he wanted to be with.

Hemera nodded. "Our spies on the other side have just reported back. They said that Tartarus is ready to launch the battle as early as the day after tomorrow. They also informed us that he has been recruiting the Titans, but the only two that have agreed to join him are Perses and Hyperion. The rest refused to join him because of his and Gaea's shunning them during the Giant War." She concluded.

Perseus nodded his head knowingly as if that was just the information that he had expected.

"We cannot have the Titans on his side. At least not those of which that are as powerful as Perses. He is the titan of Destruction. Having him on the battlefield would be too much of a risk. He needs to go."  He stated.

Nyx and Hemera looked at him, confused.

"And just how do you plan on getting this done before the war starts in two days?" Hemera asked him, heavily exaggerating the last part.

He looked at her, and she could see the red shade of his eyes go as dark as wine. It was the color she had noticed they turned every time he was planning on doing something violent.

"I will have to kill him."

913 words

Just had to be a short chapter before the actual thing.

Y'all like the buildup?

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