13. As Tensions Arise

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'Time Changes People In Ways That Make Them Unrecognizable.' - Author of The Lost Legend.


Appearing at the base of Half Blood Hill, Perseus was ready to snap. Every voice in his mind told him to turn back. To walk away before he does something he could never reverse.

He knew that if he was to walk through that barrier right now, there might be no forces remaining to fight in the war with the gods.

He ignored the voices, making his way up the hill, completely disregarding the fact that Nyx called pleadingly after him, telling him to calm his emotions before entering the camp.

He moved farther up the hill, apparently in no rush to face his former allies, yet, his right hand twitched yearningly the closer he came to the border, as if just itching to hurt someone.

As he passed the tall pine tree, his vision caught on the large dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece.

He expected the dragon to oppose him.

To attempt to keep him out of the area.

But Perseus found himself smiling when Pelus exhaled silently, emitting white smoke, and rubbed its head against his chest.

He petted the dragon lightly, remembering fondly of the days when Pelus was as still small as an Italian Fiat.

He spoke to him softly, as if it were a toddler he addressed.  "You've grown so much since last I saw you."

Pelus purred and curled deeper into him, making him laugh briefly.

"You remember me big guy? Perseus Jackson?"

"I've missed you." Perseus told the dragon, surprising the three gods behind him by his tenderness.

After witnessing what Perseus did to Zeus, Ares and Athena in the throne room not so long ago, compassion was the last emotion that they expected out of him.

While the three understood why their champion had to change, seeing him like this reminded them of how he used to be.

The gentle, caring, innocent boy that would have done anything within his power to make the people he loved happy.

He petted Pelus one last time before the smile on his face slowly disappeared and his demeanour changed again.

How his emotions could change so quickly was scary to anyone who witnessed it. It was not healthy for a person to constantly change their feelings in such a short interval of time.

Nyx, however, knew her husband. She was already accustomed to his patterns. She knew that he was not yet ready to face the people behind that border again. Not after what she had just seen on Olympus. It seemed to her as though Perseus, after all this time, had not forgiven, and he was completely within his rights to do so.

His heart told him to burst through that barrier and cut down every demigod inside, no matter of age, gender or heritage, but his conscience told him to stay calm. Stay composed. Not to let anything slip, but he found this task difficult to execute.

As he moved up to the border, he was met by 2 demigods, no older than 15 years old, holding their shields as they aimed spears at his chest. 

He raised his brow as he looked between the two, assessing them both.

To these demigods, this man was a stranger, though his face looked somewhat familiar.

Just as Perseus had done, the demigods also assessed him.

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