18. Set It Off

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'Don't Take Enemies For Friends'

Chapter 18: Set It Off


Sally Jackson had always stood by his side.

Through thick.

Through thin.

Through good times and bad, she had always remained loyal and encouraged her son to keep going, no matter how hard the challenge may be.

She had remained patient with him through all of his expulsions and switching of schools. She showed the most tender of love to him on his darkest days and unintentionally reminded him that everything would be okay as long as she was with him.

So it was no surprise to Perseus when he found himself in a deep trance, wondering about what his mother would think of him now.

Would she be proud of him for coming so far with no one but himself as support?

Would she be afraid of him?

Would she see him for what he was, instead of what she always envisioned him to be?

But most importantly, would she still love him the same? And would she accept the fact that he was no longer the innocent little boy that once used to barge through the door and hop onto the kitchen counter, assisting her in the baking process.

He had no care about people's opinions about him nor his actions, but the case was different when it came to his mother.

There was not a single day during the beginning of his prison sentence that he didn't think about his mother.

How many tears he had shed at the thought of never being able to hold her again. The thought that she would never again kiss him on the cheek and ruffle his hair, placing a large platter of blue colored cookies in front of him as he tried his very best to complete his seemingly endless homework.

Sally was his rock.

The one person that had always remained constant throughout his entire life.

He must see her again.

He must hold his mother one more time.

Even if it was only for a minute.

The young General was so consumed by his own thoughts, that his focus became blurred. So when he felt a warm hand suddenly clasp onto his upper arm, he wasted no time in grabbing aggressively at the limb, flipping the weight over his shoulder and slamming the person harshly onto their back.

Before this person could even find the opportunity to grimace at the pain of Perseus's abrupt ferocity upon them, a dangerously sharp blade had already been placed at the throat of the receiver, the knife being pressed with intense pressure, threatening to draw blood if any impulsive movements were made.

With bared teeth and raised eyebrows, he scanned the body of the humanoid figure from the legs, to the waist, and finally to the face, where finally, he recognized who the individual was. He removed the blade, smiling genuinely at the Hearth Goddess and helping her again into her feet.

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