🩷Never been kissed🩷

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Soooo I got this idea from DoodleBeetleBug
on this reply:

I hope that's ok! Let's go!!! (They're in middle school just incase you didn't know already-)

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I hope that's ok! Let's go!!! (They're in middle school just incase you didn't know already-)

Type: idk? Fluff? Bit of angst?

"Have you ever kissed anyone?"

"What?" Luke turned his head to face the shorter boy.

"Have you ever?" He asked again, blush covering his cheeks.

"U-um n-no, have you...?" The brunette asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No." The grape looked down, his hair covering his face. "B-but I want to..."

Nobody spoke a word. There was just the awkward silence the two had often got between eachother recently.

Suddenly they heard a voice. "Hey dorks!!" It was Hailey. She came up to them. "Uh, why are you guys blushing? Looks like you just kissed!" She joked, not aware of the conversation they had prior to this.

"U-uh, it's just really hot in here, heh..." Luke panicked.

Hailey nodded, "....okay....?" She looked at Zander. "You ok?" She asked.

Zander looked somewhat sad before replying, "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine!" He half lied. He was fine, really. But he wanted to kiss someone. Just to see how it felt. He was getting older and nearly everyone in the school had been kissed, even Hailey.

"Ok... I'm gonna go because everything seems a little bit awkward here..." Hailey pointed her fingers in the opposite direction and started walking away.

"W-well, i-i'll see you in class Zander..." Luke stuttered again,.he didn't really know why, other than the fact that he hadn't been kissed and neither had Zander. So was he just not supposed to want to kiss someone? Preferably someone who hadn't been kissed either? Like him?

"Uh, ok, s-see you...." Zander waved slightly and walked away.

After school had finished, Luke, Zander and Hailey all walked back to the stepsiblings house together.

"Hailey?" Zander asked, sitting on her bed. They were all chatting about random stuff in Hailey's room.

Whilst Luke was downstairs getting a drink, Zander's found this the perfect opportunity to bring up kissing.

"Yeah?" She asked, looking at her brother.

"Um, you know the first time you were uh, k-kissed..?" He asked, blushing.

"Yeah...?" She looked confused. Where was Zander going with this?

"Um...W-what was it like? What did it feel like?" The grape asked, blushing vigorously.

"Uhm, why are you asking? Because you've never been kissed?" Hailey asked.

Zander nodded, looking away in embarrassment.

"Well, uh..."

"Please don't tell Luke about this by the way." Zander interrupted.

And Just like that, Luke came back upstairs with his cup.

"Hey," he said, sitting down next to Zander.

"Um, why don't we play a game?" Hailey asked, trying to distract from her conversation with her brother.


Luke walked through the crowded halls with Zander. Now that he was alone with him, he decided to take the chance to kiss him, just to see how it felt.

"Hey, Zan?" Luke asked, pulling him to the side so they were out of view.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The grape asked.

"So, u-uh y'know how neither of us has been kissed?" The brunette fumbled with his hands.

Zander blushed, "Y-yeah?"

"How about we kiss, just to see how it feels? And so we can say we've been kissed." Luke suggested. "But it wouldn't mean anything!" He added.

Zander sighed, "O-ok..."

"Uh, cool..."

They both leaned in awkwardly, their faces inches apart. Zander squeezed his eyes shut and moved in closer, though Luke made the final move and kissed Zander's lips. It was a quick little kiss but still both managed to get overly flustered afterwards.

"Uh, u-umm..." Zander tried to get out words, but was unsuccessful.

Luke's face felt like it was burning, "Th-that was u-uh.... Interesting..." He looked at the ground.

They both just stood there, looking at the ground. Both boy's faces were crimson red.

Then Zander thought back to when Luke suggested the idea.

"How about we kiss, just to see how it feels? And so we can say we've been kissed. But it wouldn't mean anything!"

"But it wouldn't mean anything!"

"Wouldn't mean anything!"

The grape sighed, recollecting what Luke had said. The kiss didn't mean anything to him. But it did to Zander. He loved him. He wanted the kiss to be real. But it wasn't.

"S-so" Zander piped up, "Th-that didn't mean anything...?"

Luke blushed a darker shade of read if that was even possible at this point, "Uh, n-no! If course not! I-it was just to see what kissing someone was like!"

Zander sighed, "Y-yeah, t-totally... Yep!" He fake laughed, hiding his hands behind his back. "Heh, that's what I thought..."

Luke frowned slightly, "I-it was?"

"Um, yeah, t-thats what you said!" The grape's cheeks were burning up even more.

They both looked at the ground. No. They both wanted the kiss to be real. They loved eachother. But they couldn't admit it. They were too scared. Scared the other wouldn't feel the same. Scared they'd lose their friendship. And most of all. Scared of losing eachother.

The end! Hope you liked this one!!! It took a lot of time to do for some reason. I like it tho!! Hope y'all enjoyed!🧡💜

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