• Redeemed

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Haechan furrowed his brows as he felt the warm rays of sun kiss his face.
Slightly opening one eye, the brunette groaned as he tried to adjust to the bright room.
After turning to his side the younger sighed looking at the empty space next to him.

"Aish where did he go so early in the morning?" The younger whispered in a raspy voice before sitting up straight.

After sitting for awhile staring at the window, spacing out.
The younger finally got out of bed.
He checked the bathroom before heading downstairs expecting Mark to be there only to be greeted by an empty living room and kitchen.

"Why does he always disappear like this for fucks sake." Haechan whispered before heading back upstairs to take a shower.

Mark will show up eventually anyway, it's not like this is the first time the older went out without telling him.


The brunette was now sitting in the living room after eating his breakfast.
Damn he was bored out of his mind, and because of that he couldn't help but blush thinking back about his little make out with Mark last night.
Letting out a small groan the brunette ruffled his brown locks as he kept getting flashbacks only making him even more embarrassed than he already was.
His cheeks and ears now all flushed with a red tone.

"What in the world was I thinking for fuckss sake!! What got into me damn it! How embarrassing! Must've lost my damn mind!" The brunette whispered to himself now kind of grateful for Mark not being home right now.

He wouldn't know how to act if the older was right there as soon as he opened his eyes.

Haechan's body suddenly jerked up as he heard the keys and the front door being unlocked, the youngers heart started to speed up thinking about how to not make things awkward with Mark.

Soon he saw Mark enter the house.

"Oh hello there" Mark said with a soft voice closing the door behind.

"Morning" Haechan replied with a small smile trying his best to not show that he was having a mental breakdown a second ago.

"Where did you go so early?" The younger asked as his eyes didn't leave the older walking to him towards the couch.

"Had to double check something for the plan, I think I got an idea." Mark started as he sat down infront of the brunette.

"Which is?" Haechan asked.

"Well, what do u think is the strongest weapon for people who want to fight against the upper class and rich?" Mark asked

Haechan furrowed his brows as he thought about all the possible options.

"Uhm, i don't know a gun probably.." he mumbled

Mark let out a chuckle as he looked at the brunette who seemed pretty serious about the answer.

"Tch what's so funny Lee? Why don't u tell me then smartass."

Mark smiled as he quickly cleared his throat.

"Alright alright, Well what do u think about the media?" Mark asked as he raised one of his brows.

"The media? What has the media to do with our plan?"
Haechan asked confused.

"Well Renjun told us pretty much about all the people who are involved in the scheme, as u know they are all way too upper class and rich people whom we can't even dream about reaching. And so media is the only way to reach them to be able to tear them down. We need the citizens on our side first." Mark explained.

"Oh my god.. wait?" Haechan whispered as he slowly processed what the older just said.

"Soo.. what if we separate them first. Then we corner them one by one and take them on one by one. This will eventually lead into a domino effect, and it will help us get to the main target we're after aswell. We can slowly open the door first, by targeting  the people involved. Then we set a foot in by exposing what they did and how they did it. After that we bust the whole thing by throwing the big names in it with all the details and black and white evidence as backup since that's what the public and our system relies on the most, evidence and big names." Mark continued explaining.

"What do you think?" The black haired asked as he leaned forward curious about what the other was thinking.

"You- that's such a great idea wtf?" Haechan mumbled surprised by the idea.

"Why the hell didn't I think of this? I mean what's a greater force than getting the media involved? We will have backup which are the viewers. We can stay anonymous and not expose our identity while exposing everything we know about them and the shit they did. Omg Mark you are a genius!" Haechan said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Mark smiled as he felt less tense. He had been thinking about this but wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad idea to begin with. But seeing the younger give him positive feedback, it made him relax and less anxious.

He looked back at the brunette as a smile slowly formed unconsciously, looking at Haechan who got all excited made him chuckle.

"What?" Haechan asked awkwardly now that he saw the older staring at him with a smile on his face.
The younger started to feel his cheeks heat up as slowly his body started to feel tense again as his heartbeat paced faster.

"Now that I'm Thinking about it. You were quite excited last night aswell, weren't you?" Mark asked with a slight smirk on his face.

"Agh shut up idiot!" Haechan mumbled now hiding his face with his hands, trying to cover up his flushed cheeks. Ah this is so embarrassing the younger thought.

Mark chuckled as he stood up and sat down next to the brunette on the couch before grabbing both Haechan's hands and removing them from his face.

"Look at me." Mark said as he stared at the younger who shut his eyes out of embarrassment.

Haechan slowly opened his eyes as he looked up at Mark sitting right in front of him which wasn't helping at all.

"I liked what we did last night, I don't want you to be embarrassed about it or regret it cause I don't regret it one bit." The older said as he leaned closer towards Haechan before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Let's call Namjoon and Renjun over to see what they think about this media thing." Mark mumbled before standing up to grab the phone.

"Ah fuck my heart" the younger whispered as soon as Mark left for abit.
He let out a deep sigh before a smile started to form on his face.

To be honest he was abit worried about what he did last night, questions like "Did I force it? Did I overdo it?" Kept on repeating over and over again in his head.
He was hoping that the answer of those were all no and he was glad that Mark gave a clear answer to those questions for him.
The younger smiled as he leaned back onto the couch as a deep sigh of relieve left his mouth.


Mark opened the door as Namjoon entered the house with Renjun following behind.

"You good now?" Namjoon asked as looked at the younger with a concerned gaze.

"Yeah I am. Thanks for checking up on me the other night, it helped me get back on my feet." Mark replied as he awkwardly avoided eyecontact.

Namjoon ruffled Mark's hair before giving him a warm smile.

"Glad to hear that. You don't have to thank me, u know I am and will always be here for you." Namjoon whispered before walking towards the couch where Haechan and Renjun were sitting.

Mark smiled and soon followed before sitting down aswell.

"Alright boys, so here's what I was thinking."

I genuinely can't believe that there are still people waiting for an update in 2023😭
I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting for soo long!!
I will do my best to finish this story and update chapters that are worth the wait.
      I genuinely love each and everyone of you🩵
  And lovee and appreciate the sweet messages you     guys always send me or leave behind!
       Take good care of yourself and eat well!!

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