• Masks for the night

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Mark took a sighed as he stepped out of the shower, putting a towel around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom.
He ruffled his black wet locks trying to dry them a little.

Walking towards his closet, he furrowed his brows as he looked through the clothes inside.

"I'm not coming with you." A voice suddenly said and Ofcourse it was Haechan.

Mark ignored the other as he eyed the dress shirts inside, thinking what would suit the best for the party for tonight.

Haechan groaned as he sat down on the bed still glaring at the back of the older who was too busy ignoring him at the moment.

"I won't do anything anyway. And If I do, you're allowed to kill me." The brunette added

Mark turned around with a pissed off expression, his eyes finally meeting the other's.

"Why do you have to make everything so difficult hm? Nomatter what I tell you, you always do the opposite and then ask me why I'm getting mad?" Mark replied glaring at the younger.

"I'm getting so sick of this shit." Was all what Haechan could say as he looked away.
As if this idiot would ever listen to him.

"You need to dress up so people won't give you weird stares. Go get ready and then pick whatever." Mark mumbled as he grabbed a black dress shirt with slacks.

Haechan clenched his jaw as he walked towards the bathroom slamming the door shut.

After done taking a shower he walked out and luckily the black haired was in the living room doing whatever.
The brunette sighed as he walked towards the closet scanning the clothes.
He had never been to a party before neither does he know what the fuck you're supposed to do there.
Thinking of what Mark had chosen, Haechan decided to also wear a dress shirt in the color of a dark blue shade and slacks.

He put on some cologne and then started to style his soft brown locks.
He was too focused on his hair for him to notice that the older had walked in the room.

Mark scanned the brunette up and down, finding his taste in clothes not so bad for the day.
The buzzing sound of his phone distracted him and took the other's attention as he turned around looking at the black haired.

Mark quickly averted his gaze else where as he grabbed his phone picking it up without looking.

"Hello?" He asked as he sat down on the bed

"Ah yeah  we're coming don't worry. We'll be there soon. See you." The black haired said as he hung up clearing his throat.

"Done?" Mark asked standing up looking at the brunette who nodded walking out of the room.

Mark sighed and followed after grabbing his stuff.

As soon as Haechan stepped out of the door, he immediately wanted to go back inside.
It was fucking cold outside.
He groaned as the black haired closed the door and walked towards their car which was parked further down the street.
Trying to keep as warm as he could the brunette put his hands in his pocket as he quickly walked towards the car wanting to get in as soon as possible.

"How long are we going to stay there?" Haechan asked as he sat down in the car closing the door.

"I don't know. Depends." Mark answered buckling his seatbelt as he started the car.

"On what?" Haechan asked annoyed

"How the party will go." The black haired replied taking off.

Haechan closed his eyes as he bit his lip not wanting to deal with this idiot any longer for the day.
After a drive of 45 minutes or so, they finally arrived.
The house was pretty big, Haechan could see the different colors of lightning flashing from the windows.

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