•Safe and sound.

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Finally, it was lunchtime.
Haechan walked out of the schoolbuilding, feeling not all too well.

As soon as he stepped out, a cold breeze hit his face somehow relaxing him.
Looking at his surrounding, he walked up towards one of the benches and sat down.

He found it fascinating how Mark could act like a whole new person outside the house.
Nobody knew anything about the latter at all.
Many girls were head over heels for the boy.
He had a big group of friends, yet nobody knew what the hell he had been doing all these years?
How was that even possible?


Finally the last class was over and Mark walked out after saying his goodbye.
He walked towards the car and saw the brunette waiting for him.
Without saying a word to each other both entered the car and Mark drove back home.

Haechan was trying his best not to punch the boy next to him right there and then.
Every fucking day this dude managed to piss him off to the maximum.
He didn't wanted to argue right now but soon they had reached their house and both stepped out.
Haechan glared at the black haired as he followed behind entering the house.
As soon as they both were inside, Haechan roughly threw his backpack onto the floor making a loud thud echo through the silent small place.

Mark furrowed his brows as he turned around clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"What the fuck is up with you? Huh?" Haechan hissed totally pissed off at the moment.

Mark made an confused and annoyed expression, stepping closer towards the brunette.

"You must've lost your mind, haven't you?" Mark asked in disbelief.

Even after all the warnings he gave the brunette, this idiot still had the guts to talk to him like this?

"Yes I have! Who the fuck do you think you are huh? You think you can treat me like one of your stupid bitches in school? Don't think I'll be taking your crap just because everyone else does!" The brunette hissed, this time it was him who stepped closer towards the black haired.

Mark licked his lips, clearly getting more and more pissed.
The fact that somebody actually has the guts to talk to him like this annoyed him the most.
Normally he would've killed the person right on the spot.
And how bad he wants to stick to that at the moment, only if he didn't needed this jerk.
Yet he had to make him fear him nomatter what.

"You better watch yourself. You don't want to see my worst side, do you? If you don't want to be treated like one of my bitches, then stop acting like one. I think my warnings aren't infecting you, are they? Might as well start warning you forreal, right?" The older asked voice getting darker after each sentence.

But this only boiled Haechan's blood.
He won't take bullshit from anyone.

"The only bitch in this room is you at the moment. I don't give two fucks about what you do and what not and I would love for you to do the same. Stop making a scene over the smallest shit will you?" The younger spat back, eyes glaring back.

The two were almost in each other's faces, both glaring at each other, ready to kill one another any second.

"Unbelievable." Mark whispered under his breath before yanking the brunette's head closer by grabbing his jaw but Haechan only pushed his hand away walking towards the bedroom slamming the door shut behind.

Mark wanted to scream and yell, he wanted to kill the brunette if he could but he didn't.
He walked out of the house taking a few deep breaths.
Reaching his hands into his pockets jeans, he fished out his lighter along with the cigarettes and lit one up.
Inhaling the smoke as deep as he could, he closed his eyes trying to empty his mind.


The next morning Haechan groaned as he felt nauseous again and sprinted towards the bathroom.
He indeed threw up and felt his throat go dry and soar.
His head was spinning and his stomach was clenching painfully, squeezing the remaining food inside his stomach out again.

After cleaning everything and himself up, the brunette got ready for school with much discomfort and pain.
He walked out of the room and saw Mark sitting on the couch while fixing his necktie.

Haechan was about to walk towards the frontdoor wanting to take some fresh air before black clouds started to block his vision little by little.
His head started to spin, and his body lost it's focus.
Haechan reached out to anything so he could grab it and make himself steady, but failed.
His body fell back and hit the cold floor, followed by a loud thud as a quiet yelp left the brunette's lips.

By hearing that, Mark quickly averted his attention towards the brunette who was struggling to get back onto his feet.
He quickly stood up and rushed over towards the brunette as he grabbed his arm trying to help him get back up only to be pushed back.

"Don't come near me." Haechan mumbled as he tried to get back up but it was hard with his head spinning like crazy along with his blurry vision.

Mark sighed as he furrowed his brows staring down at the brunette.

"Just let me help you stand up." Mark groaned irritated as he once again reached down and held the younger's arms, before Haechan could yank his hands away from him, he already pulled the brunette up.

"Sit down until you feel better. I'll go get the car." Mark mumbled as Haechan nodded sitting down on the couch, his eyes closed.

Mark walked quickly towards the car which was parked a block away from theirs, the air was completely cold as it sent shivers down the black haired's body.
He finally reached the car and entered it turning the engine on, only to see he car turn back off after a few seconds.
He groaned as he punched the steering wheel frustrated.
He forgot to refill the tank for fucks sake.

He stepped out of the car, back home irritated.
As he walked in he glanced at the brunette who seemed to feel alittle better then before.

"Tank is empty." Mark mumbled answering Haechan's questioning face.

"We're taking the bus. Get up." Mark mumbled as he grabbed his backpack and watched the brunette stand up following him.

Both walked quietly towards the bus stop. Haechan looked at the crowd of people standing there, also waiting for the bus.
He heard the black haired next to him groan in annoyance.

After 6 minutes of waiting for the bus, it finally arrived and soon people started to squeeze their way in.

Haechan waited for the black haired to enter only to see the older waiting for him to enter first.
Haechan looked back to the packed bus and helplessly back at Mark.
Mark groaned and entered the crowded area and Haechan quickly followed behind.

Haechan cursed under his breath as he stood now afew millimeters infront of the older, feeling his breath hit his neck.
The bus kept on taking turns which resulted into Haechan or Mark bump into each other every now and then.
Way too close for both of their liking.

Mark tried not to meet the brunette's eyes and to did the other.
There was literally no place at all in the packed area around them.

Haechan tightened his grip on one of the handles above his head as a sharp pain hit his stomach again.

Fuck not right now the younger thought as he clenched his eyes shut trying not to make a sound.
Soon another hit followed and Haechan let out a quiet yelp under his breath biting his lip.
Unfortunately, Mark heard it since both were standing afew millimeters away from each other.

The bus halted and some people stumbled to back because of the sudden rush, along with Haechan.
Mark without realizing it, quickly grabbed the younger's waist preventing him from falling or hitting someone or something.

Haechan gasped as he was pulled closer back in place by Mark's free hand.

                                  Enjoy lovelies🌙

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