• Crimson red.

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Haechan slowly let the stick fall as he looked at the older confused.

Mark turned around and looked at all the men standing there waiting for him to do something.
He looked at them as they had one of their hands placed on their weapons and sticks as they were ordered to stay still waiting to have the permission to kill the brunette.

Mark turned back around and pushed the brunette against the wall which followed with a loud thud.
The younger let out a yelp as he bit his lip, looking at Mark.

Mark leaned in closer as he stopped by the younger's ear.

"Bear with me." He whispered into his ear.

And leaned back and kicked the younger on his stomach.

"MHHPH-" Haechan cried out as he felt the sudden pain in his stomach, he leaned down forward as he grabbed his stomach in pain.

"This jerk?! You guys really think that this jerk would be able to help me?! Huh?" Mark yelled as he yanked Haechan by his hair back up and punched him on the face.

"AHH- W-what are you doing?!" Haechan yelled as he winced in pain feeling the warm liquid dripping down his chin as his lip had been probably slit open.

"You're fucking wasting your time." Mark grinned as he punched Haechan again and again on different places of his body.

"A-ah s-ahgh!" The younger's breath hitched as he felt another punch land on his face.

Haechan coughed blood as he tried to stop the older from hitting but Mark was way too strong, there was something weird about his eyes.
There were no emotions it what so ever.

"S-stop i-it-" Haechan breathed out as he started to lose his strength

Mark clenched his jaw as he kicked the younger on his leg making him fall on his knees.
Mark grabbed the younger's hair as he yanked his head up making him face him.

"Tell these jerks what you're here for." Mark said as he tightened his grip making the younger cry out in pain.

Haechan's breath was getting louder as he felt the stinging pains all over his body.
Mark soon let go of his hair.

He stood back up and glared at Mark wiping the blood away with his arm.
He couldn't fight back, he knew he would be killed if he let them know why he was here.
He knew it yet he hated this.
He hated Mark for doing this.

Mark only punched him again on his face as the younger fell back against the wall and slid his body slowly down as his legs lost their strengths to hold him up.
His body felt numb as his legs couldn't hold him up anymore.
His vision started to get blurry as his eyes fell half lidded.
He leaned his head back not so aware anymore about his surrounding.

Mark then turned back around and smirked as the men who fell speechless by the whole situation.
They didn't expected this, their whole plan was fucked now.
Mark made it clear that Haechan had nothing to do with Johnny, and now they didn't know what to do.
They only received the order to kill Haechan if he worked for Mark to help him save Johnny.

"Any more questions ladies?" Mark asked as he walked closer towards them as his eyes were almost eating them.

"You're w-warned!" The leader yelled nervously as he took a step back abit alarmed.

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